Saturday, November 2, 2024

campaigning, fountain and art going up

 Since the cleaners came Friday I made myself scarce as usual, pausing only to leave out a few clothing items in case they'd like any or all.

Then, forgetting Ruth and Laura, still on the charger, can't think of everything, me and Carol Cane went to the library.

Between reading the latest Osman, a really funny, very good read, with new characters to be the future cast in the series, I noticed two men in the gallery arguing and laughing and hanging a show.

I'm always so proud of the gallery and how we bet, correctly, there was enough art talent in our little town to keep a gallery supplied indefinitely with excellent art. 

I was sitting in the food-permitted area, and at the right you'll see the table where the public puzzle is set up.

And I found another use for Carol. To protect my neck I have to hold books and screens up to read, which I do at home using a pillow.

I found that Carol's handle stood in just fine. It's padded and soft, just the ticket.

And I did some stealth campaigning, leaving postcards in the bathroom and the area for newspapers and flyers

And I added a post it note to the community message board, intended for encouraging messages. I think telling people they matter is encouraging.

Campaigning down to the wire. It's not over till it's over.

The morning turned out so beautiful when the sun appeared that I went for a stroll around the fountain.

I wanted to visit it before it's shut off for the winter.

When I got home I found my cleaning lady had accepted a painted and stitched top, yay. Very glad she liked it, or possibly it's for her daughter. The rest of the pieces can be donated locally.

Nice day. Too much activity to fit in the knitting group, so I'll catch up with them next week.

Happy day everyone, enjoy any sunshine you can catch. I was wearing my speckled shirt today with a blue linen jacket and ancient bluejeans. That shirt is working nicely.

Diwali is the feast of lights. Photo AC.


  1. The shirt with a linen jacket sounds excellent. I am wondering if a cane, or walking stick as we call them here, might help me when arthritic pain is bad. Vanity stopped my mother using any kind of aid until she was in her eighties, and then she embraced a wheeled walker.

    1. I'm using the cane because of pain in my hip. It definitely helps. I'd try it, Andrew.

  2. You sound very chic. That fountain is beautiful. Sitting in the sunshine enjoying breakfast.

    1. It sounds as if you're doing fine! The fountain is lovely from all sides.

  3. If ever there was an election when people need to vote, this is the one.

    1. The early numbers are huge this year. Particularly women.

  4. The library is a gem. The reminders to vote are so important!

    1. For a small town we do have a spectacular library, heavily used.

  5. I love the rustic, organic look of that fountain.

    1. It's interesting, especially with all the plants growing around it, flowers and herbs.

  6. I'm glad the new Osmun is good. Got to add that to the pile!

    1. I think you'll like it. Some great comic relief too, as usual.

  7. You do have a lovely library. Is the fountain outside it?

    1. The fountain is the middle of the square one side of which is the library. You can see it from where I was sitting.

  8. This is a lovely fountain. The library is spacious and you are chic!

    1. It's a lovely artwork, so much more imaginative than public fountains often are.

  9. Those autumn trees are so beautiful against the blue sky! Good job on reminding people to vote.

    1. Aren't they lovely? They'll fall soon, and the skies will be different too, so I enjoy each view as it comes.

  10. nice library and the exhibition space is great. also lovely red flame of a tree.

  11. The fountain is my kind of art! Organic and kinetic with the water, plus the landscaping. And the trees in their full fall glory - what a good day to enjoy the library and surroundings.

    You do sound chic with your varied blues. I'm wearing a raggedy blue turtleneck and blue longjohns as I type, blue and warm but not chic :-)

    Your encouraging words on the bulletin board are exactly right.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I thought of that red carpet question: who are you wearing? And cracked up while I typed. I think that brief note might be as effective as anything I did.

  12. Glad you got to visit before Old Man Winter storms through.

    1. It was a good chance to visit before the leaves fall. Nice morning.

    2. I love that. Pretty day here today. I love the leaves.

  13. I like your fountain. And what a light and airy library.

    1. Three floors, funded through the extreme cleverness of an earlier director who got massive funding as part of the development deal.

  14. PS -- love your postanote election things. I might do that today -- thanks for the idea. And I'm glad you commented on the veteran post (which I took down because it's not supposed to post till 11/11! But seeing your comment made me realize I must have hit publish by mistake!

    1. I thought you were just getting ahead of things before the election!

  15. According to the news here the race is too close to call so it's going to be awhile for a winner to be declared I expect. No matter which way it goes, there's going to be a lot of unrest and some terrifying times ahead. Stay strong!

    1. That's the plan, staying strong. The media the handful of affluent white males who own it, are all in with making it look close, better for $$ , but we'll see.


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