Friday, November 8, 2024

Good advice, Misfits and Sock 'n Glove Ministry

 So this

This blog was started so many years ago as a daily lifeline and continuing unfolding artwork during the last years of Handsome Partner's life. 

It kept me going, to honor our joint efforts as his health and my freedom declined, and the isolation of caregiving grew. With my second blog, Art the Beautiful Metaphor,  I  recorded my art, continued during the hardest years of caregiving.  And now this wise comment reminds me to go on.  

Each entry is a tiny bit of the mosaic of my life and our online friendship, and now is not the time to draw back.  It's valuable and if I don't continue, evil will have won. Not today.

After that highfalutin' flourish, here's where I am.

Yesterday, beautiful weather again, I did a bit of garden cleanup and tossing, swept the deck yet again, and received my misfits box.

You'll note the chocolate bar, so timely and welcome,   as it now turns out, and the lovely plant-based sausage and panko, which is now several burgers with panko breading. With roasted potato dice, using three of those small potatoes. 

This morning there will be strawberries and seedy toast for breakfast quite soon. The fish is scheduled for whenever the beans and rice dish and the burgers are done. Can of corn for Thanksgiving, which will be another joint affair. Cranberries ordered this week. 

I will get back to making yogurt after this week, just needed a break. Meanwhile Nancy is coming through.  And I seem to have too many eggs, having forgotten to check before ordering. So egg recipes in my future. I did make mayo, so there's always egg salad. And eggs baked with cheese and tomato. Omelets. Shakshuka. 

Yesterday, grimly determined, I finished the second sock of the second pair for the Sock 'n Glove ministry.

One more glove and I'll send off a little parcel. Two pairs of socks and one pair of gloves. Then I'll see what's next, upcycling jackets, stitching the fabric book, the beaded piece, what, what?  I will finish what I'm on before starting a new item, that I plan.  As of now anyway! Open to revision.

As well as the latest Mma Ramotswe, I'm reading

Very helpful to a jangled mind right now.



  1. That looks like an interesting book about mindfulness.

    1. It's very good for now. I'm trying to read it slowly, always difficult for me.

  2. Leave it to Toni…let art do what it does…great reminder!

  3. Memories and activities help us to carry on.

  4. I love that thought -- "now is not the time to draw back." So true. In fact, now more than ever, we need to be visible and vocal.

    Several years ago I got one of those Tony's chocolate bars in my craft gin club box. They are SO good.

    1. Yes, it took a bit to gather the energy to write. Tony's Chocolonely helped.

  5. Your misfits looks wonderful this time. And I really love your socks! You're an amazing knitter!

  6. I am relieved, selfishly, that you are not stepping back here.

    1. I feel a certain responsibility to be here for my friends.

  7. Wise words...and beautiful socks that someone will appreciate. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I hope someone finds the socks warm and comforting.

  8. I'm with Ms. Moon in being relieved. We need your voice and interesting projects. The title of that book gives a lot of food for thought even without reading the contents. Hoping for a further review when you have finished it.

    1. Currently I'm trying to read it slowly, not easy! But I decided I should be here as expected, doing my bit, offering a bit of entertainment.

    2. Read it twice - fast and then slowly.🤫

  9. I'm so pleased you will continue. I enjoy my daily visit with you.

  10. well, life goes on at least for the next two months without much change. we better appreciate it.

  11. Great choice of reading. Hope it helps. Joyful socks. May they bring magic to whoever wears them. May all the artists survive to continue working.

    1. Yes, possibly grasping at straws, but they're my straws!

  12. I love that yarn. You have made lots of socks with it. And they all look amazing
    Chocolate always makes you feel better. Enjoy it

    1. It's unfriendly yarn to knit, but the results are nice. The chocolate is, was, very cheering.

  13. At times I will boil say three eggs and just put them in the fridge, and if a little peckish, one will make a nice snack.

  14. Your voice is a calming influence. And that pair of socks is clever. Simple and beautiful.

  15. Thank you, it's nice to think it helps. The socks are pretty simple but they look tricky!

  16. Your posts are far more than entertaining, Boud. They're thoughtful, observant, and creative in all ways. And your sock and glove ministry is truly wonderful.

    Chris from Boise

  17. Surely life is too short to knit unfriendly yarn - but I have to say the colour is spectacular. I feel inclined to look for a copy of that book.

    1. The yarn was given by the group I'm working with, and the results are well received. So I knit it, since it's not about me.

  18. Starting at the end, I need to slow down. Those socks are fab! Yummy menus planned. Art is a wonderful response to both great joy and great heartache.

    1. This means your nanowrimo must go on! You already attend to great food and good works.

  19. I love the quote. It is said that the world's greatest artists produced their greatest works because of suffering and anguish. I love the socks too! Gorgeous colors.


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