Sunday, November 24, 2024

More dolls, and a pattern

 I realized I could post the pattern for the Izzy doll, so here goes

If you (can) read the bottom para you'll understand the construction.

You can Google on Izzy doll to see its poignant history. Please note, Izzy's mother made her pattern universally free and available for dolls to give to children in crisis, not just cute toys. And always to be given, not sold nor bartered. 

And here's where I am with this group 

Aiming for half a dozen to get in the mail next week.  The person who will distribute them is eagerly waiting now.

And friend C. is coming through with more small quantities of various colored yarns, just right. Possibly also for stripey socks for the Sock 'n Glove Ministry, we'll see. And for the use of beginners at the two libraries I go to for knitting groups. 

Lunch today is a bowl of lentil carrot soup with fresh spinach wilted in, followed by chocolate cherries. All food groups in attendance.

In the course of looking for audio to accompany knitting, I came across an old favorite, QI.

 I also  found another advantage to hearing aids: I can get all their jokes now, not just some. Highly recommend.

Happy day everyone, my power company tells me I'm one of the most economical customers in my house size and (house) age. Yay me. 


  1. I love QI!!! So grateful for the doll instructions. I understand “To make” and “To finish.” Just those four words.

    1. Just as well you're not planning on making them. I expect your mother would take a look, then set aside the instructions, all completely clear to her, and knit a crowd of them.

  2. QI is one of my favourites - they will soon be at the end of alphabet

    1. I liked it particularly when Sandi toksvig came on. Alan Davies is a treasure.

  3. Even with hearing aids, I don't get everything, but most ... maybe.

    1. I wonder if it's the speed! They talk like the wind.

    2. I think it is more than just volume that affects our ears. I don't think our discrimination is the same.

    3. Volume is the least of my problems. The audiologist spent over an hour adjusting the input for my hearing aids, to pick up the areas I'm missing.

  4. Izzy dolls are so cute and I've seen multiple different variations online. I don't know of an organization locally that takes them but I'll see what I can find out. I know I could mail them but that's not an option at the moment, obviously.

    1. You could check with ICross Canada whether they can suggest a local group. I used to send to them before postage went up, for their African AIDS work.

    2. And check if your local police department would like them, for children they encounter in dv situations.

    3. I know the police dept. accepts teddy bears for that purpose but don't know about the dolls. Will have to see if I can find out.

  5. Sweet, comforting little dollies. I am sure that each one of them will show you who he or she is.
    Congratulations on your economical power usage!

    1. The thing is that a single person doesn't use much power anyway, compared to a family in a similar house! But they keep congratulating me anyway.

  6. so nice that you make socks and gloves and dolls afor those in need.

  7. I have not heard of QI. I look forward to seeing the finished dolls. I am never the most economical energy user. I think it may be three air purifiers running 24/7. And in the winter, water tank heaters.

    1. You might want to find qi on YouTube, the tv program, not the life force channels!

  8. I've heard of QI but I don't think I've ever watched (or listened?) to it. Is it radio or television?

    1. It's on TV, very funny, very fast, worth finding. I don't know which channel, but I think a BBC one.

  9. I will definitely be making these In the new year. The local fire authority is located at the end of my street. I’m sure they would love to receive some for their use.
    And a great way to use all your odd bods of yarn. Thank you

    1. Good! Please show us on your blog when you do some.

  10. An entertaining program for sure. We have the channel for November only though.

  11. QI - one of the best TV shows ever made. And Sandi made a great replacement for Stephen.

    1. I love her! So quick. They're all great, guests and resident comics.

  12. Hearing aids are good things. Voices are clearer, radio, TV and real people.

    1. When I take them out at night, I'm surprised at how muffled the world is. Life's much better with them.


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