Thursday, November 14, 2024

And they're off! Also pasta capers

I got the socks and gloves nicely pressed and mailed off, ETA Friday.  Now I'll see what else to knit. I make a lot of items but reserve my knitting group time for the Sock 'n Glove Ministry, or maybe comfort dolls. Probably time to make a little gang of dolls for the children I sent to before, come to think of it.

Today I made a Yeung Man Cooking recipe for pasta, really good. I know I always say this, but he does make reliably interesting food.

It's usually very calming, quietly cutting and sorting and mixing spices. I've ordered smoked paprika because I only have sweet, and often both are needed. But I'm not getting dark soy sauce, since I find Worcestershire subs for it.

This is not as hot as you might think, and it's very good. What he calls two helpings I call four. I like how he adds in the scallions right at the end, so when you eat the pasta, they're still crisp. This is fresh fettuccine, needing only a couple of minutes to cook. I used the purple garlic here, not sure what's the difference in use from the white, up to now. 

Anyway this is a really cheering lunch without too much prep, all on top of the stove.

And, other cheerful news: I think my hip is healing. Two days with very little pain, despite activity including walking, getting up and down stairs, in and out of the car etc.  I'll take it! 

Speaking of which, my doctor recommended a gel to apply, which I sometimes remember. The instructions say after application to wash hands thoroughly. Then it adds "unless you are treating your hands"! Duh, I think.

In other news: I've made a housekeeping change in my blog, removing the anonymous comment option. I kept it for a while because I was hearing from iPad users that they could only post that way. 

However I'm starting to get drive-by type angry or grandstanding  anonymous comments  and, though I think I know the origin, I reluctantly have closed the anonymous function. 

It's not hard to open your own blog to express yourself, so I encourage everyone to do that. Do the work of setting it up, writing, editing, planning, publishing, but, please,  don't expect to come in to my blog to post your lengthy opinions, particularly when they don't relate to the issues in the post. That goes for links without any content explanation.  I don't want to spend energy on them.

I've been building, designing and tending this blog daily since 2008, so I reserve the right to decide the content. That's why I have comment moderation in place.  And it's how we keep this a place of respite, which we need.

We do have a spam issue with comments vanishing into the ether, so if yours doesn't appear, I may not have even seen it, so don't assume I've banned it! I try to respond quickly, though when I do see comments waiting to be moderated. And I try not to be too thin skinned about their content.

I  respond when I'm found to be in the wrong, not a problem,  that's reasonable commenting. I will either correct or expand on the point if I wasn't clear. 

It's better coming from people who read regularly in here, though, rather than unknown people who swoop in to object,  then go away again. 

Happy day everyone, pas d'elle yeux Rhone que nous, comme d'habitude!


  1. Happy day to you, too. Good for you with how you manage your blog. I don’t get many snotty comments, but when I do, I simply delete them. It’s MY blog and I’ll do what I want.

    1. Exactly. I'm finding that some people don't get that this isn't a free for all. I wonder if they left Twitter but brought Twitter manners with them!

  2. I haven't made a pasta dish in a while -- now I'm hankering for one again, thanks to this post.

    1. This one is definitely worth going for. I think the fresh, not the harder boxed fettuccine is really good.

  3. The dolls are a great idea. Then again, the Sock and Glove ministry is so essential this time of year.

    Here, the temperatures are hovering near zero with extremely high winds. A new shelter just opened locally. Less people will be in tents this winter.

    1. I hate even to think of being out in that cold. And yes, dolls, socks, maybe I'll alternate!

  4. All very reasonable. This is your blog; let others with an ax to grind create their own!😊

    1. Hey, Marty! It's been a while. Yes, I'm in "stand by to repel boarders" mode!

  5. Well ... here I go ... Hip Hip Hooray ... regarding the ... um ... hip issue.

    1. Yay! It's so nice to be walking evenly again! I'm hopeful the rest of the pain goes away soon. I'm happy with the improvement anyway.

  6. I've had comment moderation on my blog for a long time although sometimes I wonder if it's really that necessary and then I seem to get a number of spammers and am reminded why I put it on in the first place.

    1. I think I've always had moderation in place, but I allowed anonymous for a long time because I knew people who didn't have the online id but commented interestingly anyway. But I had to change that.

  7. Is there anything more comforting than a bowl of pasta, no matter what the sauce? Gosh, that looks so good.
    Would you be amenable to saying what that gel is?
    I so rarely get comments that are bothersome and I am grateful for that. But hell yes- no one has the RIGHT to expect rude comments to be published. This is not a free speech issue. I have a brother who used to get so mad at me for writing about our mother. He absolutely does not remember things the way I do. I told him- hey man, start your own blog, tell your own story. He said he had no idea how to do that.

  8. The gel is Voltaren, pretty commonly available, not prescription.
    Yes, so much easier to piggyback on other people than create from scratch! I've encouraged people who have made really good, informative comments in the past, to expand on them in their own blog. Then they've come back to me asking "What do I put next?" My sister being one!

  9. That pasta dish looks good. Glad your hip is healing. We must have started blogging at about the same time, a long time ago!

    1. Back in the early years! I'd been active online since 1996, when my computer was steam driven.

  10. Really good news regarding your hip. I don't have a problem with comments, sometimes some guy asking I visit his blog. Otherwise I don't have problems.

    1. I'm glad you're not having problem comments. They usually try to argue rudely with me about some issue I've referred to. Also my continuing support of Ukraine gets in there. I wonder if they're looking for new targets since Twitter is falling off and spoutible ejects them instantaneously. This blog is won my spoutible bio. Anyway, steps are being taken!

  11. You know I love your blog. Thought to tell you, I ordered Haggard Hawk's Book of Brainteasers from Amazon. Only ever heard of it through your blog. There are 1,000 puzzles. Keeping me very engaged; helping in my constant effort to distract my mind from current events!
    Also. Some time ago Google made a change. I discovered that in order to comment as Runnrose on my ipad, I must first go to settings--safari--- and remove the Do not track. Then I have to remember to immediately go back and turn it on again.

    1. I have that Haggard Hawks, too, and I love to puzzle over a teaser once in a while. I'm glad to see you in here and thanks for the tip about the iPad use. Maybe other people will pick up on that.

  12. That pasta dish looks very yummy.
    Our knitting group made lots of those dolls for our first responders to have ready to give to traumatised children.
    As for anonymous posters, all I have to say is how rude. And gutless. If your opinions are so important. Have the guts to put your name to them.
    I’m glad your standing firm

    1. Thank you for your support! I think the dolls are important. Something small enough for a child's hand or pocket in a crisis can be helpful.

  13. OMGosh this pasta dish looks amazing. The comfort dolls are a great idea. You are so talented.

    1. It's not hard to make, either. And it's very good.

  14. I share your happiness about the hip, the joy of good pasta and the use of comment moderation. I need to get back to having fun in the kitchen.

    1. I think you'd like yeung man cooking. Great food, vegetarian and I think probably vegan. Anyway I recommend him.

  15. I set me blog to accept comments for two days, then go to moderation. That works well enough for me. So happy to hear your hip is improving.

    1. Whatever works for you is great. And the hip situation is cheering me a lot perhaps not going to be my new normal. It's generous of you to be glad for me.

  16. You took me by surprise. I expected the capers to be in the pasta, not surrounding it. That dish does look wonderful. I agree about fresh pasta - just had my first about a year ago, and what a difference.

    Major congratulations on the improvement in your hip. Your Carol Cane capers may have helped, along with tincture of time and that gel.

    Your blog, your rules. And thank you (again) for doing the glove and sock ministry. And the tiny dolls ministry.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes,fresh pasta is quite different from the dried kind. It needs very little cooking time, too. The hip is happy!

  17. That looks like a delicious bowl of pasta. And my apologies, Liz if I missed reading about your hip. I've gone back to look and can't find where you've written about it. I'm glad it is feeling better.

    I'm with you. My blog, my rules. I don't have time or emotional energy to entertain comments that bother me - though I rarely get such a comment. I appreciate what you said about doing a self-check sometimes. Sometimes something hits me wrong in a comment received on my blog, and if it's a regular commenter, I will do a self check on whether I'm being overly sensitive. I'm human. It happens.

    1. I mentioned I'd been dealing with bursitis in the hip, eventually starting to walk with a cane. I didn't spend long on it, so it probably flew under your radar. No problem!
      I do express strong opinions on issues, and it probably triggers people. But I try to allow for my own reaction too, to see if I'm being fair.


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