Monday, November 4, 2024

Diwali, Mickey mouse and grab bars

Sunday morning, in the middle of cooking lunch, l had a sudden flying visit from two Indian friends who moved away some time ago. They make a point to make a detour if necessary on their way somewhere else, to stop in, and so it was today.

In the briefest time -- they were already late somewhere -- G and R stopped in to wish me a happy Diwali, with a hug, yes, they're on my hugging list,and two bags, one stuffed with treats. G loves bags and usually seizes the chance to give me them.

Then after what husband,R, calls the traditional selfie, they were off again, leaving me a very happy lady. They take trouble to stay in touch and I so appreciate that. And I have a new project bag also a new carrying bag. 

If handsome Son visits this week which he might, he's got treats waiting.

Then I got on with lunch, a pumpkin carrot soup with spinach heated up to wilt, and seedy bread with lovely citrusy hummus.

After I took the picture, I noticed the definite Mickey mouse effect.

For the benefit of people not yet bored about grab bars I thought I'd show you a few around here 

Main bathroom, for when Handsome Partner used a shower stool. This bar is right where he needed to grab in order to stand and get out of the tub. He modeled it so I could mark the tile for the contractor. And it's the right height for me standing.

The stains are from a previous unsuccessful attempt with high suction cups on a non ADA bar, which kept falling off and left permanent stains on the tile.  

Here's the other bathroom where I had the bar installed for back when I took tub baths, to help me to my feet. It's still useful for showering anyway.

I installed the clamp handle on the side myself,  needs no tools, and it's great for helping me step out of the tub, highly recommend.

And here's a strategic one installed right where I have to make a left turn at the head of the stairs. I marked the spot where my hand would reach. This is a tricky point, very helpful to have something on that turn.

Now we've turned and are going downstairs.

And here are grab bars opposite the regular banister rail. Two because handsome partner needed to hold the bottom turn on the second one as he climbed up. One long one wouldn't have worked. It's very helpful to have something on both sides of the stairs.

At the foot of the stairs you see Carol hooked onto the small hallway bar, because right there is a step down to the living room.  And there's  a downstairs half bathroom door on the right, at right angles to the front door. The bar is also useful for hanging masks and visitor parking hangtags. 

All these placements we measured and modeled and marked for Mike the Contractor. We bought the ADA designed bars from Medicare approved local suppliers who advised us, and Mike studied the ADA guidelines before he installed the bars.

There are a lot of decorative products out there which will not work even to steady a dry hand, let alone a wet one. Don't buy from name brand home decor plumbing sources. They don't usually carry the approved designs, which aren't as pretty, but are functional and tested.

Okay, that's my PSA for the day. Back to Trollope and treats.

Happy day everyone,  try to stay safe, mentally and physically! Eat treats, it's a good time.


  1. As I am soon to have a bar installed in my shower, that was extra interesting to me.
    For G and R to visit you like that confirms in my mind that you are a nice person. This is good.

    1. I'm glad the info was useful. It's really important to get bars installed for your own height, not some average. G and R are lovely people!

  2. Before I retired, our office administrator who was of East Indian descent always brought in treats for Diwali. They were so sweet it’s a wonder our teeth didn’t fall out!

    1. That and a lot of ghee! Lovely, particularly when it's only once a year.

  3. The last pic reminds me that daughter's townie has stairs like that, not carpeted and no railings. It's a rental, so I hope she finds another accommodation before she gets too old. Thankfully, she has a way to go.

    1. I'm surprised it's legal to rent without banister rails. Here you can't.

  4. What great friends to have! Such lovely gifts.

  5. Good advice about the importance of ADA-approved grab bars!

    1. They're not pretty but they're the best design for safety.

  6. A lovely surprise visit from friends! The grab bars are a great addition!

    1. The bars are essential! I'm a grab bar evangelist!

  7. Lovely that your friends make time to pay you a visit, no matter how brief.
    Grab bars are good things. We have two in our tub that were there when we moved in. I suspect the previous tenant had need of them but we're more than glad to make use of them.

    1. I've noticed that able bodied visitors to my house use them, particularly the downstairs one.

  8. I love the stories of how people pop in to say hello and give you gifts. What sweet relationships you have cultivated.
    Grab bars are something you just don't think about until you need them. And your are already in place! And in just the right place.

    1. I do encourage people to install grab bars even when they're sure they don't need them. Anyone can fall in the shower.
      Yes, any length visit is lovely!

  9. I want to get one like the small one on the landing of the stairs to put in the doorway between the upper and lower parts of the house. it's just two steps but the are not standard and my foot has slipped a few times though never fallen so far.

  10. I have a single story house, thankfully. I don't have grab bars in the bathrooms but I see them in my future. What a wonderful surprise, a visit from your friends. Bearing treats!

    1. My stairs are an exercise machine! They keep my legs in good trim.

  11. I echo your sentiments about grab bars. Very nice neighbors.

    1. Yes, it pays to be safe. G and R are great friends.

  12. I've been a fan of aids to steady for years. When we consolidated homes, and the bathrooms needed renovation, Mom asked for a shower instead of a tub. From there have come double handrails, grab bars, shower seats. It takes a lot of help to grow old.

    1. It does take planning and thought. Better do it before you strictly need to.

  13. Thank you for the photos; visuals help a lot.

    We too have a one-story house, and I miss the built-in leg exercise that comes with multi-stories. It would take an awful lot of going up and down our single doorstep to get any meaningful exercise...Also, Rowan has never had the joy of chasing a ball down a set of stairs.

    What a lovely Diwali visit! It's always good to see old friends, and these sound like two extra-special ones.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It makes a difference to your leg strength if you don't live with stairs. I've had friends unable to climb up to my studio on the third floor, after a few months of one floor living. I still do it fine. Also my cats loved flying up and down during zoomie times.
      These are great friends, across age, cultures, everything.

  14. I’ve never been more thankful that, I don’t have a two story house, as I am nowadays. The thought of going up and down stairs is terrifying. I stumble on flat ground ! I’m glad you have all the correct handles and tools to keep you safe

    1. If and when I can't climb stairs unassisted, I plan to install a stair glide, one of those chairs, to ride up and down. Battery operated, in case of power outage, which is rare here. Not cheap, but cheaper than moving! Right now I'm fine on stairs.

  15. This was a very informative post, Boud, about the usefulness and safety of grab bars. If we should ever need any in the shower here, hopefully maintenance could install one. We live on a single floor, so thankfully no steps to manuever and there are elevators since we are on the 5th floor. Thankfully, the laundry room and trash room are only 2 doors away from our apt entry.

    1. I'm glad it was useful to you. Your situation sounds very accessible already.

  16. Try some Orange Oil on those tile stains if that is adhesive residue. Dampen some paper towel with the oil and stick it onto the stains to allow the oil to soak and soften, and maybe a bit of help from a hard plastic bench scraper tool too. Might need several tries.

    1. Good idea for adhesive. But these are stains caused by I think the vacuum effect of the suction cups. The tile material discolored.


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