Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Whatever bread, pond scenes

Here's the source and recipe for the banana (or otherwise) bread I made. UK blogistas might need to do some translation of amounts and temperature.

As you see, this book has seen some use.

This is a kind of little black dress of recipes. You can sub and add whatever you like, or, more likely, have. 

The trick is to note that you need one cup, 8 oz, of banana pulp. So you can choose to sub some other pulp, same amount. I've used zucchini, pumpkin, squash, grated apple, and here honeynut squash. Honeynut is a little squash with a nice texture and flavor. Sometimes I've even used bananas.

Then you fling in whatever bits you like, about a handful. Chocolate chips, raisins, chopped dates, walnuts, here I used dried cranberries.  

It's pretty fail proof but it's good to remember to get the melted butter out of the microwave, if you can, and add it. Easy to forget it in the heat of the moment and find it next day.

Today is around 70°f, windy and bright and I had a great walk, dodging the landscapers roaring around collecting leaves. I made it to the pond, first time in a few days, and you see how it's changed now that the leaves are mostly down. And how low the water is. 

My house, on my way out.

I'm happy to say that the tipping I reported has been almost totally cleaned up. It looks so much better now it's lost the favela touch.

Carol and I are getting on much better now, and I expect we'll soon learn how to navigate doors, too, then I can test for my Cane Proficiency Certificate, Level One. 

Happy day everyone, bake or get your friends to bake and share with you. Why should you have to do everything, you're supposed to be resting.


  1. House on the way out? Nah, smart residential abode.
    The pond is very blue and reflective.

  2. My "day of rest" yesterday turned into "day of chores." Sigh.
    But they needed doing.
    That recipe sounds like a work horse. She'll get it done.

  3. hmmmm - perhaps a wee notation on your recipe to remove said butter from the microwave might be in order?
    Glad the pond was cleaned up and that it's now a lovely place to walk. I'm sure Carol enjoyed it too.

    1. The pond has never been at issue, always beautiful. Also not on our property anyway. The tipping was at a house on the way there, spilling out onto common property. Now blessedly fixed.

  4. A good recipe to have. Unfortunately, if I want something baked I need to do it myself. My baking friend lives in New Jersey!

    1. I think my own comment went into spam. I was saying you needed more advance planning about where you live!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I giggled at the forgotten butter.
    I have just made banana muffins and guess what I forgot to add! I’ll definitely try your recipe. Thanks

    1. Let us know how it turns out. I like it because it's not too sweet.

  6. One of our cooks makes muffins frequently. They contain any leftover fruit or vegetable he has on hand, and dry cereal. Oranges, apples. Always good and always fun.

  7. The pond, though low, is so beautifully blue under your washed-clean sky.

    We have a similar oatmeal cookie recipe, that can handle an infinitude of add-ins and substitutions. These recipes are sturdy workhorses!

    Chris from Boise

    1. My own comments are vanishing again. The gist: can you share the recipe? And the pond was just a retention pond to help drain the golf course,because we have a very high water table. But nature got onto it, with turtles and frogs, great signs of life, birds, grasses. And now we have a little jewel down the street.

    2. Oatmeal Whatever Cookies - approx 2 dozen

      Preheat oven to 350F

      1/2 stick (1/4 c) butter
      3 T neutral oil like canola
      1/2 c brown sugar (we often use less, the original recipe called for more)
      1 egg
      1 tsp vanilla (optional)
      1/4 c milk
      1/2 c wholewheat flour
      1/2 c white flour
      1/2 tsp baking powder
      1/2 tsp baking soda
      1/2 tsp salt
      1 c oatmeal
      Add in add-ins (raisins, nuts, craisins, choc chips, and I'm sure you could add in applesauce, winter squash, grated carrots, etc etc etc.)

      Cream butter and oil together, add brown sugar, add egg and vanilla, mix well.
      Mix dry ingredients together, add to wet ingredients. Add add-ins.

      Drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet. They may spread out a bit, depending on the add-ins, so leave space between blobs. Bake at 350F until barely golden around the edges (9-10 minutes in our oven).

    3. Thank you! Noted, bookmarked, screenshot. That's my next batch. And it's oatmeal so it's breakfast food, too!

  8. SG is a great baker and makes wonderful banana bread, too. I need to get things organized here so he can get back to work in the kitchen!

    1. That's a great motivator, despite your aching back.


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