Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Reminder to self, Tuesday Knitting Group, Textiles and Tea

Here's a good perennial reminder 

Only a week since the election and so much has changed. But that wisdom is still there 

Today's Tuesday Knitting Group had a post mortem about the successful first crochet class on Sunday, and I've been roped in, I mean warmly invited, next Sunday to come and help. This means I need to brush up my granny squares, because that's what they're learning. 

One of today's participants was working on her crochet skills with help 

And I've finished the gloves, ready to press and ship tomorrow with the two pairs of socks.

Chat ranged over Dewali, hip replacement, football, ballet, crochet patterns, the weather, Indian food, cane skills and the relative value of hiking staffs, and more.

Then home to  Textiles and Tea celebrating its 200th program with a tapestry artist, Alex Friedman, who has studied with the best, namely Archie Brennan, the father of modern tapestry weaving. 

She had art talent all her life,  but a first job in architectural design was not to her interest.  So she switched to tapestry.  

She gradually  moved away from the linear, realistic style she started in, into more indirect expression. She uses slits,, with warp and weft pulled and manipulated for better effect. Anyway, look

This is a water color design for a tapestry. The hand you see on her work is her signature, a respectful nod to handmaking.

she references the environment, the wonders of the natural world and our obligation to care for it, and works in raw silk and wool wefts, using cotton seine warp thread.

Happy day everyone, I feel a little tapestry coming on..and if you want to put your money where your political heart is, here's a bit of help.



  1. This tapestry weaving is possibly the most amazing textile art you have yet shared from Textiles and Tea. I love every single piece of it.

    1. She has great gifts and she learned from the best. I agree, some of the most spectacular work to date.

  2. Thank you for that list of companies. Good morning.

    1. Good morning, e. I like having some guidelines as to where my $$ goes.

  3. I love all the beauty you share. Thanks for the list of companies. I used to enjoy visiting Kohl’s on my visits to NYC. NOT anymore. Except for NIKE, which I will never shop at again, none of the others can be found here in Spain (as far as I know).

    1. I'm glad the list is useful, if only to see if any of them operate in Spain.

  4. That's a great reminder, thank you.
    Hope that final list goes viral and people actually do it. Imagine what a real groundswell of people boycotting those places could do.

    1. I think msm is feeling the pain already, so this can work.

  5. "roped in, I mean warmly invited" -- hahahahahaha, nice turn of phrase! And I just love those beautiful tapestries -- so vibrant and gorgeously designed.

  6. I agree, this tapestry is beyond anything else. It's stunning. I also tank you for the list.

  7. Such words of wisdom. If I could only take them in…worth the effort for sure!

    1. Yes, it takes energy to accept and live by them.

  8. There are different reports on the companies who did or didn't donate, so I'll leave the display up while asking that you investigate a bit further for yourself. Then decide.

  9. I love Alex Friendman's watercolour designs - even if they were never made into tapestries!

  10. Years ago I took a class on shaping a woven garment by pulling warp threads and weft. Interesting.

    1. You've done such a lot of approaches to weaving.

  11. Those tapestry designs and colors - absolutely stunning. I sit here jaw agape.

    I'm waiting to learn a little more about which companies donated where, but we already boycott several on the red side of your list.

    Glad you were 'warmly invited' to help in the crochet class. Have fun!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Aren't the tapestries amazing? I thought they'd go down well. Color, composition, everything.
      I'll let you know how the crochet class goes.

  12. How did I miss this? I swear- I went to bed worried because I thought you had not posted.
    Whoa! What a sense of dimension and perspective Alex Friedman has! And the talent and skill to bring all of that together in such amazing art. Beautiful work. And I love her use of color.
    I have to say one thing about the list of companies who donated to Trump's campaign. In the case of Publix, I'm pretty sure it was not the company but the heiress member of the founding family of the company who donated her own personal funds which yes, came from Publix, but are not under their control. 80% of Publix is owned by its employees and it is the largest employee-owned company in the US. And a disclaimer- four of my family members work for the company.

    1. Thanks for the extra info about Publix, helpful to people in deciding where to shop. At least if there even are any in their region.
      I was worried about you thinking you were too depressed to comment! So all's well and I'm glad you didn't miss Alex Friedman.


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