Thursday, November 7, 2024

Some early decisions

My response to trauma is usually to take action. Right now I'm looking for a path to resistance.

I spent a bit of time yesterday in a local nature preserve, grateful for some changes they'd made since I was there a while ago. A new path made it easier to get to the lake. My walking is limited but I was able to navigate this.

New trail cleared. It seemed significant at this moment. It was a healing experience.

And I resolved to continue eating well, to maintain health as a resistance measure

I've pruned my blog list to remove soapboxers, gloaters and anyone who showed me their true colors yesterday from what they think is a safe place. I'll let them find out that there will be no safe place in our new world. 

I'm going to do the same with comments here. I've been open even to some that were bossy and hurtful,  thinking well, it's a viewpoint. No more. Only civil disagreement will get house room. I don't mind a challenge but I'm closed to arm waving now and snark.

I've deleted some social media, pruning my presence in others. You feel how you feel, I just don't have the energy right now to read your grief while I'm trying to process my own. 

I'm still thinking about how to resist. I already try to be entertaining here,as a respite, and I'll continue the Sock 'n Glove Ministry, all the more necessary. And my membership in helpful organizations, and food bank donations,all that.

I think my own mental health is itself a form of resistance, so I will keep calm and knit, spin, stitch,read and weave on. Being a small oasis of calm and resolve is my current goal.

Here's my current reading

I have to consider my financial future as a person heavily dependent on social security and Medicare, but not today.

And I need to consider how I use my energy and whether to blog less frequently than the daily pattern I've been in for many years.

Looks like my support of Ukraine will be a lifelong endeavor now. 


  1. There's a new No.1 Ladies Detective Agency book? I absolutely must get hold of it. Alexander McCall Smith is an island of goodness and calm and perfect for what I am craving now.

    1. Exactly. I had it requested for ages and it arrived yesterday. Great timing.

  2. This is interesting, wise and spot on and I couldn't agree with you more. We need time to grieve, however we might do it. And then we figure out the ways we can best resist or help with that. In Michigan, we have an election in another two years for Governor, House and Senate (national) and all the locals. You can bet I'll be working early on that one. I'm not posting about the election results on the blog (I'm too into my England posts) and after yesterday, nothing on the FB page. It's forward now. We think we know what is ahead for us (I hope we're wrong) but we have to be ready to deal with things as they come. Hang in there!

    1. Level headed, yes. This is a time to breathe, consider and plan.

  3. A woodsy sort of walk does help. We did that yesterday. I spent a lot of time on Twitter yesterday trying to make sense of it. I follow the good guys, so it isn't what people think of Twitter although it can get pretty vile if you dig in a little. Anyway, I went there first thing this morning and decided that I have to stop. I have to go sometimes to check in on my sports guys, but I'll try yo make my visits brief for now.

  4. Your plan sounds good to me! It's more important than ever before to cultivate some peace and joy in our lives while we resist oppression.

  5. Good plans on your part. Spending time out in nature is a good thing and I suspect we'll need to do more than that. I know I don't live in the US but the fallout is going to affect us here in Canada and I'm sure in ways that we can only begin to fathom. If all of us do what we can in our own little realm hopefully it will affect the big picture in a positive way.

    1. Yes, you have Poilievre to contend with. I think we need to live mindfully.

    2. Yes, he's not quite so scary as the donald, but it's early days yet. He holds many of the same views.

  6. Have you read or listened to the 44 Scotland Street books by Alexander McCall Smith? Gentle, amusing reading.
    Things can only get better, and what we discover about others' meddling is illuminating.

    1. He has several series going on. My preference is mma Ramotswe!

  7. When I saw that you walked the trail, I smiled. That is exactly what I would have done to gain some perspective. Looking after yourself is a good start for whatever lies ahead.

    1. Yes, applying your own oxygen mask first is the idea.

  8. I spent yesterday is a semi-coma. I still have a headache but I'm more functional. I've never done well with living for the moment but I think I will have to learn, as the moment is all we can count on. I gave up social media several years ago. It's toxic.

    1. The moment is all we ever have, yes. May as well live it. We're so used to thinking ahead and trying to live tomorrow before it gets here, it's hard to change that.

  9. I spent yesterday in the gloom of the weather with dark skies and rain. However, today there is sunshine.
    I'm glad you got out for a walk. That is on my agenda today after getting groceries. I will go find calm and peace in the forest.
    I have put a lot of stuff on hold on Social Media. I pushed the pause button and decided that music is better to sooth the soul than news.

  10. Yes to oxygen mask and (re)setting priorities. A walk happened yesterday for me too. Lots of thinking going on in the OBrien household how best to proceed, as proceed we must and will.

    Chris from Boise

  11. I don't know what to say. Watching from a distance, we have been aghast. Is it just about politics or is US simply not modern enough to consider a female president? We, in a small nation dependent on international trade, have good reasons to be aghast but at least we are in large trade agreements with very many other countries. Meanwhile your resolve for dealing with grief is impressive, just don't deny yourself an expression of anger and grief at appropriate times, places and ways.

  12. Planning and resolve to be and do well, excellent strategy. I plan to send you something shortly.

    1. Thank you, aren't you nice? I'll look forward.

  13. I am glad you are here today.

    1. Yes, I thought I'd better in case anyone worried.

  14. yesterday was horrible and I barely slept last night. today is not much better. we have two months respite before the worst begins. rest and breathe and get ready.

  15. I keep telling myself and others to stay strong, get involved as much as one can and find those spots of hope. 99% of my family voted for him. I can't get in in my head why. I do love your photos and eating healthy. Have a great day today.

  16. I’m glad you spent some time out in nature. It really does help with lifting your mood and helping with emotions.
    Yes. Take care of yourself and let what others say or do just flow over you.
    Blog when you can

  17. Wednesday was my day to grieve. Now to re-engage, push back. And my first order of business is a thank you note to members of congress for what they have done. Blue, of course.

  18. I have no wise words beyond sympathy and encourage all to resist.


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