Friday, November 29, 2024

New soup, jigsaw puzzle and online with friends

I made cannellini and chard soup. It's supposed to be kale, but I like chard. You can make it creamy by, once it's boiled, ladling out half, then using the stick blender to blend what's in the pan, then adding the unblended part back in. 

I also used up the last of the celery, waiting in the freezer for a destination.

Here's the blended and unblended

Chard or kale in last, just to go bright green and wilted.

Really good. Note to self: next time, chiffonade the chard, for easier eating. Long ribbons of chard are a bit unwieldy.

Jigsaw puzzle in progress 

Online with friends for Thanksgiving afternoon, the others following some football game or other, me chatting with others about nonfootball things!

Such as indigenous people and acknowledging them on Thanksgiving Day more than ever, because this history has been so wrongly taught in school.

I think I encouraged some visibility for the Yurok people, whose elders are usually food insecure, and whose kids the dolls are for.

Then a bit of supper, cheese roast potatoes, pre nuked spud, diced 

The dish needs to be glass, buttered, cover base with grated fresh Parmesan mixed with umami mix, press in potatoes, 400+ oven for about 30 mins, leave in dish 5 minutes to let the cheese crisp up, separate the potatoes, crunchy and lovely. I fry an egg to go with.

Happy day, everyone. Blogger is having issues;  published this post incomplete, instead of as scheduled for Friday, oh well. Sorry to the puzzled people who responded then probably wondered where the rest of it was.

Here's where we're supposed to end



  1. Looks like great soup. I would have left the kale out of it too - for some reason can't bring ourselves to liking it.

  2. Replies
    1. I love those beans, so any new way to use them is good.

  3. I read this last night and then couldn’t comment, and then it was gone. I saw it this morning and thought, “What happened to my comment?” Oh, yeah! That soup looks delicious, and so does supper.

    1. Your comment didn't land, it seems. Very confusing.

    2. I think you were deleting the first post at the same time I tried to publish my comment because, the next moment, the post was gone.

    3. I reverted it to draft in order to finish writing it. That's probably exactly when you were typing!

  4. I'm always exchanging ingredients and usually it works!

    1. Yes, as long as you exchange like for like.

    2. We had clam linguini the other night, with neither clams (subbed bacon) nor linguini (subbed spirals). And we added cauliflower. It was very good.

    3. That's pushing the boat out on substitutions.

  5. You had a nice day. I like thickening soup with cannellini beans, it works great. I eat kale but I prefer chard. I have a friend who said his native buddy calls Thanksgiving Thankstaking. I understand why.

    1. Yes it's a day of mourning in some communities. Understandably.

  6. I always think that making soup is every bit as satisfying and comforting as eating soup.
    I do the same thing with my beans but I just smash them. I have an actual bean masher! I think I got it at a Mexican tienda. It works well for potatoes too.

  7. Fortunately I think schools are much better about teaching a more realistic history of Thanksgiving (and colonization in general) nowadays. Blogger IS having issues, I agree, though that's one I haven't experienced yet!

    1. Yes, schools now. But a lot of today's adults were taught the happy pilgrim myths. I hear it from older people being surprised when they find out a few facts. Better late than never.

  8. The happy pilgrim myth is still alive and well unfortunately. That soup looks delicious.

    1. You might really like this soup. I added spices to the recipe, but with fewer it would still be good. Especially if you like kale.

  9. It's time to make homemade soup and bring out the jigsaw puzzles. I just love this time of the year!

    1. Puzzling while podcasting is my current mode. Then pausing for soup.

  10. I only recently discovered what amazing soup chard makes. I still haven't worked out quite why it is so good, I think it may be something about the stalks because leaves are just leaves in my book ... The rainbow chard makes the best soup.

    1. I remove the stems and add them to my vegetable stock bag in the freezer. Maybe next time I'll include the stems, ty for the idea.

  11. Blogger! Yesterday I was trying to describe to a newbie the different ways to insert pictures and found out that what I was telling her no longer applies. At least not yesterday.

    1. It also makes a difference if you're using a Google friendly device or not.

  12. We will put our latest puzzle n the dining room table after the family meal we are hosting on Sunday. It’s that time of year!

    1. Last year I threw the Thanksgiving cloth over the puzzle. I might do that again.

  13. The soup looks like great comfort food.
    I find more and more that history is more his- story. A white privileged man. So not very accurate at all

    1. Yes, what we call history is part fable, part the view from the top of the heap.

  14. Those potatoes and egg look so good! My mouth is watering.


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