Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Winter sun moving, and puzzle answers

Here's the sun now in winter position to light up the soft sculpture on the mantelpiece in the morning.

The copper wire really sparkles here, and the shadows are interesting.

On to puzzle answers, here's the 

pri_e one 

E also supplied prine for a really cool alternative.

And here's my eager answer which failed to read the directions 

Did anyone have a different wrong answer?

And here's the other one 

 Well done if you got any or all. 

Happy day, everyone, have you tried making up word puzzles? On purpose, I mean, not my way? Would you like to puzzle your readers? I'd be up for it, if so.

Current listening while I repair and cook

And evening watching, between online community organizing meetings

As you see, I'm fitting in action and escapism. 

Monday evening a zoom call with many activists in NJ, all geared up, ready and with events already set up. Not waiting for T***p to enact bad things, ready to cut him off at the pass.  These people know their stuff, and it was heartening to be in their presence. The fight is on. 

And now that the US election's over, the US, France and the UK are doing what they've been wanting to for a while, agree to have Ukraine strike deeper into Russia. This should be a turning point. I hope. As always. Active resistance.


  1. The light is beautiful in the photo. I enjoyed Cranford. I had forgotten to mention the other puzzle. I did, surprisingly, get that one, too. A great day in my world!

    1. Great puzzling day! I'm liking Cranford so far. Very good production, packed with talent.

  2. Window light can be very welcome. Sue had beautiful light seep through her window before sunset yesterday.

    1. This time of year is particularly interesting, with the different angles of sunlight. Every year I'm surprised.

  3. My first thought on seeing your blog this morning was SUN! It’s been missing for over a week here. Dreary and depressing if we don’t get moving!

  4. Like you, I love the way the light surprises me at this time of year.
    I'm glad to hear that SOMEONE has plans that will at least lessen the damage.

    1. A lot of people have plans. You need to find and support them. Florida has Nikki Barnes and Nikki Friedman and Barbie Harden and Debbie Mucarsel Powell. You've got great people.

  5. I think I'd like that book. And I saw Cranford years ago -- it would be well worth the rewatch. So relieved about the loosening of Ukrane restrictions.

    1. Yes, it's a useful primer about resistance. I seem to be in a costume series mode, one after the other, all good. And people wondering why permission was needed for Ukraine -- it's because the US, France and Britain are supplying their own weapons and can restrict their use.

  6. When the light changes at my house it tends to reveal places that haven't been cleaned properly. Maybe that's a good thing?
    Interesting to note that the US is on board (under Biden) to strike deeper into Russia. Sadly, by the sounds of things the orange man is wanting to pull the US support altogether (at least that's what our news is reporting).

    1. He will refuse aid. But there's two months of increased attack inside Russia to go. And Europe is gearing up to continue supporting Ukraine.

  7. I have been enjoying the light this time of year. No light today as we have a lot of rain yesterday and it's dreary today.

  8. Texas republicans are all in on Trump. The people in this rural county are going to be in for some rude awakenings. the morning light here is casting rainbows around the walls and ceiling from the crystals hanging in the east facing windows.

    1. I used to have crystals hanging. Hm. I wonder where they are. They make great rainbows. Maybe I'll check.

  9. Go New Jersey! Good for you guys. I lived in Princeton and Belle Mead for about nine years when I first came to the US at the age of 22 and I have many fond memories from that time. About Ukraine, I bought a new cane from Amazon, and it came with a note saying it was made during war times in Ukraine. I thought about you, I too, of course, support them and often think about the people in Gammal Svensk By (Old Swedish Village) there and wonder how they are faring.

    1. So good to see you in here again, Inger! Yes we're gearing up.

  10. I enjoy watching the sun change its course by where it lands on the walls in my house. I think this is the main reason I love early evenings.

    1. It's an interesting view of the changing season.

  11. I love Fall light and wish we had more of it...I hope the gearing up makes a difference. Glad you like the surprise!

    1. I have to trust that our work will make a difference. I love the way they wrap the gift, so you can't see right away!

  12. I'm pretty lousy at puzzles like that. I think I lack the patience or maybe I am just not so bright.

    1. I think it's just a brain thing. Some people can do word puzzles, some number puzzles. I'm hopeless at sudoku! AC here is a good sudoku puzzler.


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