Monday, November 11, 2024

Remembering and resting

Today for Veterans Day, we remember the troops lost in wars, in the hope of not repeating the tragedy.  I hope, but I doubt. Today though, my doubts are set aside in favor of honoring the dead, and hoping for a better future.

And I found this helpful reminder, to those who get today off work, that it's good to rest. We don't have to be "productive" every day.

Then I immediately pivot to this cool book I read yesterday, via 
lovely library Libby, after seeing it referenced by Debra in She Who Seeks. No, I'm not on her payroll, despite the times I refer you to her blog. Now that I think of it, maybe I should just have a word..

It's funny, and packed with info about bees, in a tiny package, appropriately enough.  Just one of those occasional fun reads a person stumbles on. Bees don't rest. Except drones, who do damn all.. 

Meanwhile today, despite my big talk about resting, I'm on the cusp of finishing the gloves then I'll send the Glove 'n Sock package off tomorrow, when the PO opens after the holiday. It's getting cold now, so it's high time.

Finally after 41 dry days and wildfires, we got rain yesterday. I opened the window to listen.  And the flock of juncoes, winter visitors, are pecking madly in the grass this morning, no doubt finding great snacks after the rain has loosened the surface.

Wives and Daughters is a terrific production, peak Beeb, and I'm thinking about Cranford next. I appear to be on an endless quest of costume drama, despite some of the actors, names redacted to protect the guilty, being my least favorite. 

All the honeynut cranberry bread is now distributed, so about eight people got a little something. And I got, bonus, bits of neighborhood news.  Not a bad ROI. 

Happy day everyone, rest if possible, enjoy your day. Which also happens to be Martinmas, ancient end of Halloween, and beginning of winter and harvest festival all in one. St Martin is the patron saint of wine and wine growing, not a bad patronage to have.


  1. I'm not sure about anywhere else but in the US we are conditioned to believe if you aren't always busy you are lazy. I have that in myself. I'll look for that book, I just finished what I was listening to last night.The last veteran in my family was my father, WWII.

  2. I like that quote about rest. Unfortunately I never seem to be able to do just that because I get antsy if I'm not doing something, even if that something involves sitting on my duff with my knitting needles (as I did yesterday).

    1. Rest might just mean a change of pace, maybe.

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, another good one from your blog. No pressure there..

  4. I, too, was raised to think that laziness was slothfulness and I still feel guilt about not being productive all the time. I wish I didn't. But today- i am going to rest. I swear.
    I love your new gloves. Someone is going to be very lucky to have those to warm their hands.

    1. The gloves are lovely and cosy, very nice in the cold. If you keep your wrists warm, it helps.

  5. Replies
    1. St Martin seems to have been a nice guy. Anyone favoring wine is probably mellow.

  6. The the title of the book. Your knitting looks wonderful. So glad you finally got soe rain.

    1. It felt so good, the earth was so thirsty. The book title is great, no?

  7. I've been to three grocery stores, so I guess I'll rest now. 😉

  8. Cranford is very good. WE must have had all your rain, albeit in the form of misty murky weather rather than storms.

    1. We'd have liked a bit of mist and murk. It's rare here, though. Mist, when it happens, is usually gone by breakfast.

  9. We will remember them!

    Yay for rain. It’s a wet one here too.

  10. resting, ie being unproductive, in this country/culture is looked down on. I find it hard to rest but that's mostly because I get bored.

    1. It depends how you define rest. To some people doing something completely different from their jobs or chores is rest.

  11. Honeynut cranberry bread sounds amazing. Lucky friends!

  12. I always remind myself that yes. Resting isn’t wasting time.
    Crafting for me is relaxing so that counts as resting too

    1. Yes, exactly. Also swimming. And coffee with friends. It's not all about lying down with your eyes shut.

  13. My regional library is about to discontinue Overdrive and go with Libby only. I must gear up to learn it.

    1. I found Libby so much better than the clunky old overdrive. Hardly any learning curve. I think it's just a better version.

  14. All I can add is, sometimes rest is the most productive thing we can do. And yes, rest comes in many forms. Good thoughts.

    1. Yes, in the long run rest is valuable, I agree

  15. So glad you had rain! Wildfire in your region at this time of year - wow. According to a CoCoRaHS* weather observer in Bridgewater Township, NJ, "Yesterday, our first measurable rain in approx. 41 days!" Another in Hopewell Township: "Blessed steady light rain in the night. More please!" It's always fun when the observers add comments such as these to their reports.
    *Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network" - a citizen science project with observers throughout this country and beyond.

    That book! Must find it!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Those observers are just a few miles from here, so observing the same rain.

  16. Thanks to you and Libby I listened to a lovely story of Africa and the #1 Ladies Investigators yesterday. I’d missed that story about the Hippopotamus Hotel somehow. It was a great restful afternoon. Barbara from Houston

    1. I'm glad. I expect you needed it yesterday.

  17. We are still waiting desperately for rain in New York City. No odor of smoke today, but the last two days were smoky and the smell drifted indoors. I'll definitely be posting when the blessed rain finally arrives.

    1. Sorry it didn't arrive for you. Maybe soon.

  18. The idea of rain seems blissful - gentle rain drumming or corrugated iron roof. We have been irrigating here and 29 degrees C during the day. Rain would be so refreshing. Presbytarian upbringing makes productive use of time seem essential, but i like the comment that rest might be knitting. That works for me.

    1. I think change of activity can work as rest for some people, yes. You're coming into NZ summer, that's hot.


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