Sunday, December 1, 2024

Thankful for even more

While I was organizing the place for Thanksgiving Observed, a box arrived. It was the promised yarns 

All machine washable and dryable, so I can use them for gloves, socks, dolls for my various destinations without concern. I love those greens. And I can see great color combos in my future.

Then, there was this 

I love these stand up constructions, forget the technical name. This is a keeper. Such a good friend, generous too. More to be thankful for. Thank you, C.

Note added after departure of handsome son. Lovely afternoon of food and chat. The meal was fine and the cranberry sauce took serious inroads. Some went home with HS. Along with cheddar cheese. He declined veggies.  He left me extra pie, turkey slices, gouda cheese and breadsticks.  

There was a bit of comic relief in that he's got the aftermath of a virus, one ear blocked, while one of my hearing aids, Ruth, to name the  culprit, suddenly went on strike. So two semi deaf people had a fairly fractured convo.

I cleaned Ruth, changed her hearing dome and filter, switched her on and off, learned to reboot her, did so.  No effect, still low level correction. Sooooo I'll call the audiologist Monday for further steps.

If anyone else has good advice on a rechargeable Phonak aid, please speak up. Loudly. Thank you.

Happy day, everyone, I said happy day, everyone.


  1. WHAT??? That must have been interesting conversation. My left ear has been blocked and I think SG’s hearing isn’t what it once was. We do a lot of whatting, and he also insists on telling me what he THOUGHT I said.

  2. Lovely yarns! And I'm glad you had some leftovers! I have very small ear canals and every three months visit the ENT to have them cleaned out. Now I have a bug and they're filled again. I don't think he can do anything about that!

    1. I need to call my audio tomorrow and find out what's up. Whether it's Ruth malfunctioning or me.

  3. What beautiful shades of blue among those yarn balls!

    1. Yes, they're really inviting. I've been playing with them.

  4. My previous pair was Phonak but took batteries, so I have no advice. The Phonak suppressed background noise better than my current Oticons, but these have somewhat better sound discrimination. Nothing is perfect.

    1. Mine are great when they're working. I notice almost all the online advice and diagrams are outdated, all referring to battery operated earlier models with different features, so I did the workarounds I could before giving up.

  5. It's no joke when we can't hear what each other is saying but we laugh anyway. Mostly.
    Sounds like you had a very nice time together, even if you were having trouble hearing what the other was saying. I hope Ruth gets set right soon.
    What a beautiful box of wool!

    1. It was a good time. The hearing thing wasn't much trouble. And I love my new colors of yarn.

  6. Must admit I did laugh when I read the comic relief part, particularly your last 'instruction'. That looks like a lovely box of yarn goodness for you to play with and I'm sure it will all be put to good use. I'm busily crocheting the granny square blankets for the local humane society just to use up scraps and so far I've done two with a third underway. Hopefully that will use up all the little balls that have been cluttering up my drawer.

    1. That's a great use of small amounts from stash. Yes, there's something funny about mishearing, even when it's annoying.

  7. You will have a lot of fun with all those yarns. I love the blue ones.

  8. That dragonfly card is beautiful! Sorry Ruth went on strike at a critical moment. Hope that turns out to be easily corrected.

    1. Whatever is up with Ruth, she's still under warranty, so there's that.

  9. Happy Yarn!
    Prayers for both your hearing issues to be well resolved

  10. The yarn is really pretty. Ruth picked a bad time to misbehave. As you know, Mark won't wear his hearing aides. Some of the things he thinks I've said can be rather mind blowing. What goes on in that brain that makes him think I say such nonsensical things! You afternoon sounds like a good time was had.

    1. It makes you wonder what he's thinking! It was a lovely time, yes. All day, really.

  11. I hope the Ruth mystery is solved quickly and I'm glad you and HS had a lovely time. The yarns are fabulous as is the card!

    1. I'm hoping she can do something to recalibrate it. The yarns are definitely an adventure in the making.

  12. My aids are also Phonak. I gave them strict orders to behave as I stowed them away tonight.

    1. Let's hope they do. When you get used to them it's disorienting to have lopsided hearing.

  13. I have rechargeable Phonaks too, and my advice is what you've already decided on: call the audiologist. In some ways it was good that both you and HS had lopsided hearing; it's easier to appreciate the comedy when both parties are affected. All in all it sounds like a Very Successful Day.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Matching limps!! It was a great day. I was looking for your advice, thank you. I think I've done all the workarounds I can.

  14. Pretty yarn and a dragon fly. A great day I’d say
    Add in the yummy food and the visit from handsome son and it’s perfect.
    I have no idea about the hearing aids. I do know we spent a couple of thousand on some for hubby and he doesn’t wear them grrrrr. Very annoying

    1. It was very good. And another man with hearing aids he won't use?? We have a whole group.


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