Friday, December 27, 2024

Sunny day after Christmas, freecycle sadness, and Boxing Day

Beautiful day today, in the 30s but sunny, and I made it out for a walk, on the sidewalk because everywhere else is wet snow or slippery mud. A downy woodpecker stayed ahead of me, pecking from tree to tree until some juncoes pushed in to see what was good. 

I'm getting pretty adept with Carol Cane now, but need a little practice cornering.  Pro tip: when you're holding Carol in your right hand and make a right turn, don't put the cane down in front of your right foot then find you're kicking it away. I didn't fall but I'm watching for that  cane-before-foot move from now on. Cornering is the advanced course. Possibly above my pay grade.

Home to German cookies and English Breakfast tea. 

And free cycle, which I often check into for comic value. Sometimes heartbreak

Read on, next line


Meanwhile one of my food suppliers clearly needs a break. This arrived

They rushed to correct this great message -- I particularly liked the insistence that if your account says different, it's wrong! Anyway I think they'll deliver at least in January.  I have leftovers to keep me going.

Meanwhile I hope they get a nice walk with birds flying on ahead. It's calming.

I'm now officially confused about what day it is, what with misfits arriving Tuesday instead of the usual Thursday, and Christmas being Wednesday. I think I'm up to Saturday.  Maybe I'll just crochet until I get it clear. 

I'm writing on Boxing Day. I saw a lovely little video about making a crafty little box from the cardboard tube from a tp  roll. 

I usually keep these tubes for storing my spun yarn, but maybe I'll make a box, why not. The alternative is to challenge Mike Tyson. I bet I could land at least one swipe while he's laughing helplessly at the challenge. 

I found a different, less fussy tp tube box idea, a pillow box. Five minutes fun including finding the glue, and smoothing out the chocolate snowman foil.

The glue dish is Rosenthal porcelain with sterling silver rim.  I have two others and they serve multiple uses beyond what I suppose their makers were thinking.

Moving along, have a happy day, whether or not you make stuff. Remember making fun of people counts, too.


  1. I think I’ll make fun of people today. Doesn’t everyone have Rosenthal porcelain glue dishes?

    1. Only the best glue dishes around here! They've been dropped multiple times and the sterling rims save them. Clever idea.

  2. Someone was rather confused over delivery dates. How funny!

    1. Yes, I guess they hit the wrong button. I wonder if they still work there.

  3. What a lovely little gift box made from that TP roll! And here's a tip -- you could thwack Mike Tyson with your cane! I bet that would hurt.

    1. The cane motif might move it over into MMA. But it's an idea. I love that silly box, just a few minutes. I think kids could be shown how, too.

  4. My dad had a wonderful story about tripping on his cane while looking at some college girls. He fell into the street and got banged up. His embarrassment was huge as a big burly construction worker picked him up, while the pretty girls fawned over his injuries until the ambulance arrived.
    Canes can make life interesting.

    1. I wonder if I could get cute guys to help me up? Not too quickly, though..

  5. I have never in my life seen a tiny bowl with a sterling silver rim. I am feeling a little bereft in not owning one.
    These days between Christmas and New Years seem rather off-kilter to me. Sort of like I shouldn't be going out into the world to shop or do normal things. Or perhaps it's just that I don't want to go out into the world.

    1. I think it's really a wine coaster or something. These days are confusing, after the excitement has faded and before the new year when we learn to write a new number. Or forget to.

  6. my small china plates double as many things. easy little box for something small.

    1. Yes, cakes, cookies, paint mixing, fruit, spice mixing, many uses for china plates. I think kids might like to make this box, pretty simple but quite a nice result.

  7. Offering a bag of wine, then it becomes wine corks....very sad indeed!! I'm all confused about days right now. That is a cute idea for a small box, and Mike Tyson had better stay out of your way.

    1. Yes, Freecycle truncates its titles so you get things like this. I think everyone is a bit confused because Christmas fell midweek, or there was alcohol or something.

  8. The week does seem a little off-kilter with Christmas stuck smack-dab in the middle.

  9. I've used tp rolls to make flower stamps, fold empty rolls in half along the length then insert three of them inside each other into one empty roll for kids to use. Dip the flower end into paint or ink and then stamp it on paper. I should take a photo of one so you can see what I mean, though you can probably work it out. Even if not used for stamping, it means fewer loose empty rolls taking up space in the bin.

    1. More fun with tp tubes! Clever idea, and I wouldn't be surprised if I try that. Thank you.

  10. Count me in on "what the heck day it is?!" My lying-in-bed-after-waking day-of-the-week pondering is Not Helping. In a lot of ways I'm not looking forward to the coming year, but once we cross Jan 1 it may be easier to keep track of the days.

    We use empty TP rolls to hide dog treats around the house. Rowan first has to find the treat, then figure out how to extract it from the tube. Lots of fun ideas here!

    Chris from Boise, enjoying yet more rain

    1. I think Christmas on Wednesday broke our brains. And there may have been partying in some quarters. Anyway everyone I heard from today is asking what day it is.
      I'm further confused by misfits arriving Tuesday instead of Thursday, and my Tuesday knitting group not happening till January. No wonder I'm confused.

  11. Brilliant idea. I use TP rolls to make faces. They are quite versatile. Have a very nice New Year.

    1. That's one I hadn't thought of. I have to try it. The thing about the tubes is that they're soft enough to fold and crease. I can see masks happening.

  12. The box looks fun. Ah, the necessity for proofreading! I'm totally confused on what day of the week it is. I'm just going with the flow!

    1. The box was fun. It's now joined the Christmas decorations, for next year.
      The typo memo was very unusual for that company. I think the season has been hectic many new foods and suppliers, so it's surprising it doesn't happen more often.

  13. It does take a little while to work out where your feet and cane go. Once you do though it sticks.
    I’m with you in the void between Christmas and new year’s
    We totally forgot to put our bins out, it was Boxing Day.
    I’m still knitting dolls as they’re quick and simple and no brains needed.
    I’m now trying to find the closest drop off point

    1. Another person who forgets the day! I wonder if anyone didnt. You're really going wild with the dolls. Good for you and some kids who'll be happy with a comfort pocket doll.

  14. The best part of the holidays is the end and life becomes more normal.

  15. I think it's good to have had the holiday, looking back!

  16. Oh that box is so cute! I have glue dishes like that too. I really hope they get the delivery right for you!

    1. Your best dishes also recruited for off label uses? I shoulda known.

  17. The tube box reminds me of the boxes that apple pies used to come in at McDonald's. (Maybe still do? I haven't been to a McDonald's in years!)

    1. I haven't been to Mickey d's ever, but I wonder if they use the same manufacturer?


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