Monday, December 2, 2024

White rabbits a bit late

I forgot my last post would appear on December 1, so here's my belated white rabbits for luck all month. White Rabbits!

I got a short walk this morning, and despite 32°f , it still looks like fall to me. 

I broke out the new long coat, seemed the right time. Nice and draft proof.

Saturday, among other discussions, I said since I definitely am not using serving pieces and a posh table anymore, I may as well Freecycle them. Offered them to HS, who said thanks but no thanks, so I've put them up. They might just be the thing for someone's Christmas table. 

Within an hour a nice lady wanted them all to share with her niece.  Good.

I'm rapidly finished the current gloves because I have plans for the new yarn and Tunisian crochet.

Later, here's the second one finished. 

The blue is brighter than it shows here. Pictures seem to pick up the grey more 

Now for the next plan.

And here's my December reminder to self 

Happy day everyone,  nature's slowing down, maybe we can, too.


  1. While I know of White Rabbits, there is also 'A pinch and a punch for the first of the month', which involves some physical abuse. I wish I had remembered to use that on my tenant yesterday.

    1. There's always next month if he's still in residence!

  2. It is smart and commendable to part with those dishes.

  3. That is a great plan for the dishes! The path draws one onward for sure!

  4. What a lovely shade of green those dishes are. Someone is going to be so happy to get them.
    It was 32 here when I woke up too! Crazy.

  5. I've gotten rid of a lot of my mother's 'good' dishes because we simply don't use them anymore. We do, however, use the plates on a daily basis. Woke up to white stuff on the ground this morning and I'm more than dreading having to go out and clean the car off before we can run errands. My hands hurt just at the thought.

    1. Yes, when you don 't use things they may as well leave. Winter's here, I guess.

  6. I'm also at the point of letting go of the special pieces of china and glassware, though I'd do better to start with bigger items that would make a real, noticeable difference in space (or lack of) in my tiny house. Every time I feel that progress is being made in the house, my Occasional Helper's availability stops for days or weeks and every bit of my energy is required for the outdoor chores. And the house slides back down that Slope of Chaos.

    1. Space is so valuable in a small house. It seems like an endless task to keep it liveable.

  7. I still haven't looked into Free Cycle. On my list for today. I also like the green of the platters, you have made someone happy. My goal this month is to get through it!

    1. Whether Freecycle works depends on your area -- you need enough people to create demand and short trips. I have both here. But it's worth a look.

  8. Those are lovely. I'm glad they were snapped up right away!

    1. Several people were interested including one from quite a distance.

  9. I have an idea of my monthly goals, but I only really keep daily ones. I do know I must clear up stuff in my second bedroom, because I want to sell the queen-size bed in there and get something smaller. Make the room just a room, not a bedroom or an office. Something mixed.

    1. That sounds like you're setting up a sitting room. That would be nice as a reading/crocheting nook.

  10. Oh, I remember Garden City pottery. I used to see it at flea markets in Florida. I'm sure I've seen that top pattern too but I can't remember what company that mark represents. Glad you found a taker who will hopefully appreciate them.

    1. Paden City. It's lovely and quite collectible. I'm not surprised it went quickly. It's being shared between two households, one set each.

    2. I forget the other one, too, but it's popular.

  11. I love the first picture of the autumn colours.
    You do knit those gloves so very fast
    We are still having very hot and humid weather. So I’m staying inside. I can’t breathe out there

    1. The gloves are a quick knit. I remember days like that last summer, hot, humid, hard to breathe.

  12. Lovely plates. Happy to be back in circulation.

    1. They're nice to handle, too. So after nearly fifty years of use here, and they weren't new when I got them, they're ready for a new home.

  13. wonderful gloves and plates and both will be appreciated. I think you may be right about slowing down.

    1. I get so tired at this time of year, it's not even really a decision! But it's nice to get permission.

  14. “To actually give myself a break from having to reach goals this month.” That’s a healthy goal! What a wonderful new life for the dishes!

    1. Yes, there's such a thing as being too goal oriented. No need to be pushing all the time. I think the dishes went to a happy home, just in time for the holidays.


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