Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Memory lane, fiberarts and other peaceful things.

 First, what everything's all about for your humble blogwriter

And, speaking seasonally

Meanwhile, I was in a discussion earlier about the gentler programs we used to let our kids watch, and I remembered a lovely CBC production, The Friendly Giant. Then found him on  YouTube, from way back, in the late sixties.

Fifteen minutes of music and stories and puppets. Handsome Son watched this when he was two or three. I think it's still worth seeing. Simple production, and a warm atmosphere.

The Tuesday Knitting Group was fun, several people there and knitting, crochet and Tunisian crochet were in progress.

Talk ranged widely as always, over finishing other people's knitting, hearing aids the fitting and repairing of, religion, languages, the Greek middle voice, knitting needles, teaching, the Trenton cigar factory, old neighbors, freecycle and more. I love my group.

Textiles and Tea was about Tracy Kaestner, Joanne, this is for you! She specializes in towels of all colors. Originally she sewed clothing and still designs items, but her main interest is weaving and writing about and designing towels. Here, take a look.

Speaking as a sewer, get a look at those great bound button holes, virtuoso work

Great Tuesday. Again. Wednesday will probably involve pumpkin bread, using the rest of that canned pumpkin and some of the whole wheat flour I got recently.  It's all good.

Happy day everyone, weave on.


  1. Talking about religion at your knitting group sounds dangerous.

    1. It was just about who does and doesn't observe Christmas. Very friendly.

  2. Ooh, pumpkin bread. You always make me want to camp outside your day waiting for scraps. Beautiful sweater and color at the knitting group. I could never use Tracey Kaestner’s towels. Too beautiful. I suppose, if you’re Tracey Kaestner, you could just make more.

    1. I have the deep I'd have my usual tatty towels in rotation while admiring my Tracy towels.

    2. The deep??? The feeling, dangit.

    3. You had the deep instead the feeling. I was camping outside your day instead of your door!

  3. This is a fun one. Love the Tolstoy part and all those glorious colors!

  4. Just the plan for a great day!

  5. I grew up watching The Friendly Giant every weekday morning on our black & white TV! Because of Friendly, I love books and recorders! And Jerome the Giraffe!

    1. I'd forgotten he played recorder till I watched again.

  6. Replies
    1. Wasn't he nice? I loved how pitch perfect he was. Slipping in bits of vocabulary here and there, and all happily playing tunes.

  7. Was the Friendly Giant a regional show? I've never even heard of him.
    I love ago came to my own definition of art which is very much like Tolstoy's. It is the creating of something that causes a recognition in others of certain feelings and emotions. For me, at least. And for Tolstoy too, it would appear.

    1. You're in good company with Tolstoy. Friendly was a CBC production -- national in Canada and bought in by US public TV. Your local stations may not have bought it.

  8. The Friendly Giant is unknown to me. I have a friend in Denmark who weaves, She has two looms that seem enormous to me. She recently sent me two towels. I will post a photo. Your knitting group has good people.

    1. If they are floor looms, they're enormous! How great to have towels from her. I definitely want a picture.

  9. My boys were huge fans of The Friendly Giant and Mr. Dressup too. Fred Penner used to have a kids show too, but I can't recall the name of it. Perhaps it was only available in Canada.
    I really like that Tolstoy article, thank you. There's much to think about there.
    Can't imagine actually using those beautiful towels but they sure would be nice to hang in a prominent place to admire.

    1. My son tells me he barely even remembers the name! But he loved it back then. I don't think I'd use those towels casually, either.

  10. Friendly Giant was always on at our house. Great memories…”and I’ll call Rusty.”

    1. And "Look up! Look waaay up!" And whistling for Jerome!

  11. I don't know who the Friendly Giant is. Wow, fabric and sewing is just gorgeous.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I like to share lovely work.

  12. I don’t know the friendly giant. I don’t think we got it here. In the long gone days, before pay tv. We missed out on so many programs. Only having four channels
    I’ve always said that crafting groups should be the model governments are run
    Crafters, mostly, are generous kind people willing to share knowledge and learn new things

    1. The artist and crafting groups I've been in have been pretty fair and generous with ideas. Yes, government could do a lot worse than follow their pattern, pun intended.

  13. I too had never head of the Friendly Giant. Just watched a clip. Fell in love with Jerome, and the Giant is a sweetheart with a lovely demeanor.

    Chris from Boise

  14. What a wonderful definition! Have to go and get shopping in now. Back later.


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