Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tofu Masala ftw

Today I finally got around to making that Yeung Man Cooking recipe, and it's the kind where you need to be in the zone of process. Also have plenty of spices.

As you see, two counters in play, one for the spices, one for the two boards of veggies and tofu for chopping, mincing, dicing.  

I had to do  a couple of substitutions, crushed for sliced tomatoes, no shallots, used extra red onions, and I added in a handful of chard. I thought it would work okay and it did. I like my green leafy vegetables every day.

Since my adventure a while back when I got hot pepper somehow into my eye, hours after I'd handled it, I  now use kitchen gloves to handle hot peppers, also I chop them when they're frozen, so the oils aren't in action. Likewise I chop onions frozen, same reason.

Will Yeung never does these workarounds, he must be ironclad.

It's a lot of sequences, each needing a couple of minutes sauteeing, until the last stage of cooking covered for ten minutes.

That's when I put away all the spices and cleaned up the counters, and took a rest. But that sequential cooking is why it's so good. You literally experience layers of flavor when you eat, every forkful a bit different from the others.

This one is spicy, so if you're not spice friendly you'd need to dial it back. The coconut milk at the end is vital to take the raw edge off the spices leaving a lovely heat. 

I suppose other equivalents would work if you don't like coconut milk or cream. Other milks, maybe. Or dairy cream if you're not vegan. I'm not vegan, I just like how interesting and light to digest Will's dishes are.

And here's the last stage, before the tofu and red onions are reintroduced to the spicy sauce, then lunch 

This is really an Indian dish, though presented by a Chinese Canadian chef. 

I got three meals from this recipe. For Will it's one!

And I did some urgent winnowing too dull for pictures. It's that deep cabinet in the corner under the counter where stuff falls about and mounts up and gets a person really annoyed when she can't find things and they fall down the back out of reach.

Mostly its reusable containers from yogurt and cheeses, useful but I don't need that many. Also glass jars, lidless, lids, jarless, you know.

A large bag went into the recycling and now I have the number of containers I need, all with lids, so smug.

A late note about birds. As you know if you keep them, birds are social and ready to join in any conversation that's going. That includes when you're trying to do serious business on the telephone if you work from home as I did for many years.

One client stopped me in mid negotiation to ask "Is that a tape running or are you calling from a jungle paradise?"  I explained and he sounded so envious. 

And as I was about to finish this post, and make a pot of tea, this happened 

A present from dear Mary! As you see, perfectly timed to appear on the teatable with English Breakfast tea and sharp cheddar, Yorkshire style.  

Thank you for all of it! So good. And the fruitcake is definitely staying here, despite being 40proof! Perfect afternoon tea doings. I love it.  And you.

Happy day everyone, let's do like Jimmy did in his long life! And I note that the country's flags will be at half staff throughout January and beyond. That includes the inauguration..


  1. We call our version of that corner cupboard the Rushin cupboard - when you open it stuff comes rushin out. I suspect every home has one. As a fellow blogger said of mine after a similar clear out - name change to NATO cupboard: 'now a totally organized' cupboard. (It didn't last🙄)

    1. We'll see how long this goes on! I've started washing and recycling immediately any surplus containers I can't use, but they seem to come out of nowhere.

  2. The meal looks wonderful, although probably too spicy for my tastes. I love the fact that flags will be flown at half-staff during inauguration. Very appropriate.

    1. I think Jimmy was definitely thinking this out! And it works fine. I'm hoping for other events on the day, which is also MLK.

  3. Fruit cake and cheese is a winning combination.

    1. It's a perfect balance. I can't get Wensleydale, the classic choice, but cheddar works.

  4. The food looks delicious, but I can't have spicy heat, so I won't be cooking that.
    Lovely gift from Mary, just in time for tea.

    1. Sorry you can't enjoy this kind of food. I love Asian spicy. Not Mexican so much. The timing on the package was great, wasn't it?

  5. I have a cooking day ahead prepping for tomorrow's family gathering. Nothing spicy here though.
    What a wonderful present!

    1. I don't think I could manage without spicy. But your family will enjoy, I know. Yes, the present is a five star -- something to consume, something to work with, all a surprise. And the carrier even put it on my step!

  6. Spicy tofu followed by 40 proof fruitcake -- now THAT'S how to finish off 2024 on a delicious note!

    1. I'm very lucky that I still have a great digestive system! It had a bit to contend with yesterday. Lovely grub!

  7. Everything looks good, the Indian dish as well as this wonderful high-proof cake... I love good food.
    Happy New Year to you. And all the best for 2025 for you and your loved ones.

  8. You are blessed that you are able to eat spicy food. I certainly can't and neither can RC. We like flavour, but not spice. Looks like a wonderful present from your friend.

    1. That's too bad. I know people who as they age, can't take garlic, another important flavor.

  9. A gift of a fruitcake in the mail reminds me of Truman Capote's story of Christmas.

  10. A wonderful surprise gift! I have tried to like tofu, but the texture just doesn't work for me. I made Thai curry a few years ago and found we both deeply dislike coconut milk. Ah, well...we are limited. I can say the meal looks delicious.

    1. Tofu comes in several forms. This one used the firmest, which you dry off. The texture is very much like chicken (!)

  11. So glad your package finally made it! That took awhile. Good thing the fruitcake is 40 proof- the alcohol preserves it nicely.
    If I had some tofu I'm make something like that today but I don't and I'm not driving all the way to town for it. Unfortunately, the Dollar General does not seem to carry it.
    I need to winnow. I WANT to winnow. Why DON'T I winnow?

    1. Put tofu on your list? Dg isn't a good source, true. The smell of the cake as I unfurled it was wonderful! Cheered me right up. It will help me see in the New Year. At about ten o'clock.

  12. Fruitcake in the mail! What a fabulous gift! And your masala looks delicious.

  13. Half staff and on MLK? Oh, the irony!

  14. I love a good strong cheddar with a sweet bread - perfect combination. And we are on a similar path with the stacks of saved containers, I think. Just a couple of weeks ago I pulled all the yogurt and cottage cheese containers out of the overhead cupboard (because having them fall on me was becoming annoying) and decided to keep only three of each size and put the rest in my recycling box, for the next time I could actually get to the recycling place. Since then, I have already had to pull containers out of my recycling box twice, for Goat Reasons. Three may have been unrealistic, but I'm still going to be fairly strict!

    1. Full disclosure: i had to retrieve one container with lid from the bag because it's my mayo maker and I forgot that. Otherwise I'm good.


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