Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mystery lunch

Written before Handsome Son arrives with ingredients for the lunch he's laying on for us today. 

Table ready anyway. Turns out the menu is mozzarella chicken melt on crusty rolls, whoa. 

Meanwhile, Gary is on my case to make another neighbor get into walking to help with her bad back. I have thoughts about this.

One being: walking is when I enjoy thinking and seeing and sniffing whatever's about, alone, not chatting. It's a reset time. It's also a different time every day, depending on weather, what I'm  doing and how I'm feeling.

One is that the neighbor in question is the one who talks in a shout.

One is that a grown-up does their own stuff, not waiting for someone else to direct them. I have now officially lost count of the number of people who've tried to piggyback on my walks because "then I'll do it".  

I rest my case. 

Writing later:

Lunch was wonderful, the tiny Christmas decorating is done, and we attended to bits of business relating to my demise. We reviewed the files and other information he'll need, and other plans for the nearer future, such as my plan to give up driving in probably the next year. This is not as grim as it sounds, since he appreciates the planning.

We also shared some wild theories about the drone sightings, and our funny/not funny reaction to the hunter a bear fell onto this week.  It's about as rare as being in the path of a falling piano, and just as final.

Evening online with friends.

Happy day everyone, look out for falling bears. 


  1. I’m with you about walking. My pace. My time. My head! Thankfully, no bears in the city.

    1. Yes, your walking is purposeful and intentional. Also great pictures.

  2. I agree with the "piggy-backing" walking, if they really want to walk, they'll do it on their own. I prefer walking on my own, simply because someone else might want to chat while they walk and I can walk or I can chat but not both at once, I get too short of breath.

  3. Walking is a time for reflection and observation, for breathing in fresh air and breathing out tension.
    I'm trying to imagine a scenario where a bear could fall on a man. Poor man, poor bear.

    1. Hunting, one hunter shot the bear who'd climbed a tree to escape, bear fell out of tree in top of another hunter, who didn't survive. Karma. I'm on team bear.

  4. A bear fell on a hunter? Like, from a tree? That IS bad luck.

    I wondered if any of those drones were coming near you. I think the whole furor is a bit crazy, but the politically paranoid are certainly up in arms about it.

    I feel the same way you do about my photo walks. I've tried walking with other photographers but at the end of the day I most enjoy being out there by myself, stopping when I want and going where I want.

    1. The bear was more karma than bad luck. See my response above. I don't know if the bear survived.

  5. You are absolutely right to guard your introspective time for yourself!

  6. While my husband and I walk the same time, we often have alone time as we go. That time is precious too so I understand the importance of being alone to walk. Hope you can get out today. It is questionable here.

    1. Today I'm kind of stuck, awaiting two inspections for the water heater, but I hope they come early enough to let me get out.

  7. Perhaps you should suggest that Gary walk with her?
    A bear fell on someone? That sounds like an interesting story!

    1. Gary? Walk? Surely you jest! Stay tuned for the bear story.

  8. Glad you had a nice lunch. Enjoy your walks. I can appreciate your feeling about them.

  9. I've had people "offer" to walk with me. In my best curmudgeonly voice I say, "No. I walk alone." Perhaps I sound like Clint Eastwood when I say that.
    Glad your birthday luncheon went so well. Lunch sounds delicious.

    1. People don't get that when you're walking alone it's what you want to do!
      Lunch was very good, largely because of the garlic parsley sauce Handsome Son dressed the sandwich with.

  10. How lovely to enjoy lunch with your son. I hear you on the walking. It isn't just having a partner to walk, it's having the RIGHT one. Doesn't sound like she's the right one for you.

    1. I don't want any partner though. When Handsome Partner was living and still walking, we always walked separately.

  11. It would be sort of fun to suggest to Gary that he walk with her! Oh, yes. Karma. Lunch sounds wonderful.

    1. See my response to Magpie, wrt Gary!
      Lunch was excellent, good food, good company, candles, card, everything.

  12. It’s not up to you to get people moving. It has to come from them. You deserve your happy time alone.
    Glad you had a lovely time with handsome son

    1. Yes, I notice people do tend to try to lean on anyone who seems self directed. Easier than doing it yourself, I guess. I had a great afternoon with HS, thank you.

  13. I know what you mean about walking. I like to be with my own thoughts, stop to look at something that interests me, take a photo and as you say, walk at a time that suits me.

    Your lunch sounded great, and the more you can do in advance before you die, the easier it will be for everyone who is grieving for you.

    Minimal risk to us from falling bears, but drop bears are a daily risk.

    1. I have done quite a bit to simplify things for my survivors. And my walking isn't really a shared activity, as you notice.

    2. I forgot to say I noted the caution about the drop bears!! Any pictures, like Nessie??

  14. You are so tolerant of Gary. May he come to understand you are not your neighbor's medical solution.

  15. 100% agree on the walking alone. Your birthday lunch sounds very fine, and the practical details subsequently discussed are very...practical.

    Had not heard the bear story. Just looked it up and it appears the bear didn't survive either. Sigh.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I heard another story, too different hunter, who shot a bear which promptly started biting him! Sounded about right to me. I'm always on the side of the animal fighting back.

      The whole afternoon was fine. That kind of conversation is pretty comfortable for both of us, fortunately.

  16. These conversations aren't easy but so necessary. Not talking about death isn't going to stop it happening!!
    Walking is a personal thing. If your neighbour needs a walking companion then they can form a walking group. Or maybe Gary could!!

    1. I don't think she wants to walk. I think she wants me to make her walk!
      My son has got used to these death chats now and is agreeing that it's easier to do some things, like deal with my car, while I'm still here to sign!


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