Monday, December 16, 2024

The new Boud. Just like the old Boud

Saturday I was reminded about granola, which I haven't made for ages. So I did.

And here's the airtight container, where it just fits.  Walnuts, almonds, dried cranberries, cinnamon, seasalt, oats, agave syrup, honey.

I like this as a cereal with milk, or a snack. I keep the clumps intact to make it finger food.

Then Sunday I found a couple of ideas,  originally going to make an olive tapenade to go with a potato dish. Then I decided to just add the olives in with the onions, garlic and potatoes. All sauteed in olive oil, then an egg broken over.

Here it's served with spinach and cooked carrots. The drink you see is great.

It's a turmeric lime ginger cordial 

Some of those limes you saw recently, and that fresh ginger, with the last of the great Tellicherry black peppercorns, go into the mixture which you blend then strain. 

You can add club soda, but I didn't have any. It occurs to me that for people who like spirits, this might be a nice cocktail with gin or vodka. For me it was good just chilled and still.  There's more for tomorrow.

Wednesday is the official birthday celebration, which will consist of Handsome Son cooking lunch here, probably some chicken garlic and crusty roll combo, then we'll get out the box of Christmas stuff to strew around. Between his cooking and the decorating, the place will look like a warzone.  Fun times.

Meanwhile on birthday evening, Gary and another friend brought over a chocolate cake to share, and at the end of their visit, left me with a couple more slices.

I have started a pair of gloves using the right size crochet hook. What a difference. 

My hand is fine. Just shows it's a Good Thing to use the right tools where possible. This from a person who once replaced all the chains in the downstairs double hung, very heavy old,  windows at the old house using only a steak knife. No tools available, long story.

The jigsaw puzzle is still on the table from Thanksgiving, so I may give up on it. It's nice but not gripping.  Then the table will be free to put a cloth on.

Happy day everyone! Thank you for all your wishes and messages, they were great to read and enjoy.


  1. The lime juice concoction sounds powerful - blow your head off stuff without any alcohol, and I hear you on the tools for the job subject. So many jobs done with what was to hand, totally unaware there's a tool for that. As for jigsaw puzzles - niece is currently doing one in pink green and black - not gripped by that one at all.

    1. Whatever is to hand tends to be my tool story. Unlike (men) friends who buy the exact thing for this one time use! The cordial is very good definitely a find.

  2. I've kind of thought of granola as rabbit food but I've had it a couple of times this year, and I rather like it. It quite depends on what goes in the mix, I think.

    1. Everything depends on the mix. I hate peanuts, so they never darken the door of my granola bowl.

  3. It's a happy time when celebrations continue for a few days. We put too much emphasis on having just one special day and can then feel flat when that day ends.

    1. Yes, extending the fun works better. I even had a birthday eve celebration online, with hundreds of wishes and jokes and memes from friends getting in on the idea!

  4. That cordial sounds like heaven. I need to make it and the granola. I love granola but the good stuff is ridiculously expensive. My nephew and his wife used to make it and sell it at their farmers’ market with their produce and other specialties. Theirs was out of this world.

    1. I wonder what their secret ingredients were! Probably just good stuff.

    2. I’ll ask them. A recipe I’d be willing to try.

  5. You do have ingenious ideas for meals. I am very boring.
    Enjoy birthday lunch with HS.

    1. I only have to please myself. That makes it so much easier to experiment. I'll enjoy the lunch because someone else will cook and serve it, no matter what it is!

  6. We will do our tree with the grandkids on Wednesday. Enjoy your day too.

  7. Hahahaha, I liked that steak knife story!

    1. It was satisfying to have the windows working right without paying someone hundreds of dollars, because they were Men with Tools!

  8. I made a NYT's recipe last night for baked pork chops and it was a "no recipe/recipe" with just suggestions and basic instructions. I got such a giggle out of the line, "...saute an enormous number of sliced onions..."
    And I did!
    I'm glad that Gary came over with a cake, even if he did take a lot of it home with him. I have come to be a big fan of Gary's.
    As to using things that are not quite tools- I can remember hammering nails with a Dr. Scholl's foot sandal. Remember those, with the wooden sole? Worked pretty well.

    1. The cake was for his own birthday recently, and he gave me the honor of cutting the first slices!
      Those Scholl sandals were better for hammering nails than wearing!

  9. You've had some happy days. I wish I had a Gary, I could use some chocolate cake. Your granola looks really good. It could convince me to eat cereal. Oh, I like peanuts!

    1. Granola is so much better than boxed cereal. Also since the oatmeal is baked crisp, it beats the other cooked oatmeal. I don't like anything peanut -- butter, candy, anything. And peanut with chocolate, nope.

  10. Amen to standing with the Ukraine! Have a great week, enjoy your granola and delicious food! Hugs, Valerie

    1. When Russia attacked Ukraine, I started posting support daily in this blog. It will go on till Russia's defeated. Which it will be.

  11. I love granola and always have enjoyed it more as a snack food. Homemade is definitely better. Glad you had some celebration on your birth day and that the celebrations will continue throughout the week.

  12. Lovely days here! When I make granola I always think I should do it more often.

  13. So glad you enjoyed your very own bus through London, more fun times ahead with Handsome Son!

  14. I used to make granola by the pound. We all loved it.


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