Saturday, December 28, 2024

Chop wood, carry water, finish yarn

Natural art happened early this morning. It's that time of year when early sun reflects off east facing windows across the street then back across to my west facing kitchen window and through to the living room.

So I get morning sun from the west, which amuses me every year. Here it's lighting up, among other things, some hand stitched ornaments Handsome Partner used to put on his little tree. A colleague of his made them. 

Today was chop wood, meaning peel and steam that big haul of carrots, carry water meaning realize I needed clean clothes and doing a load of laundry, also wash a sinkful of  dishes,  start engine, meaning run car a few minutes, she started lovely, and take out garbage. 

Also walk a bit, sniffing lovely cold wake you up air.  

Then home to a pot of tea with bread sticks and havarti cheese, courtesy of Handsome Son.

I caught up on podcasts while I finished that yarn, I think. I believe it was one skein.

But I think I'll continue the giant granny square a bit, because it's fun to do and I have colors that will work with it. 

I also have a stack of granny squares and pinloom woven squares which will work. 

I had a dream that one of my sisters gave birth to quintuplets. All dressed differently, she told me their names, and seemingly already toddlers! I was very worried in case I had to take over their care. Quite glad to wake up. Dreams are brain circuits criss -crossing I suppose.  

And I had a hilarious online exchange about avian reproduction, and what people don't understand about it. Which I'll expand on if you would like. It's pretty funny to anyone who's bred birds, as I have, though inadvertently. That's also funny. Lemme know if it's something you'd like to read, rather than tldr.

Happy day everyone, don't count your chickens..

And look who sent me Christmas greetings, the last of a wonderful presidency 


  1. Hoping your day is a happy one. That is quite a text.

    1. It's still working, until he leaves office. I've been getting and exchanging greetings for ages. I assume it's staff rather than Joe in person.

  2. I've never kept birds of any description so would be fascinated to hear your stories. The only thing I've ever heard was about the eggs of canaries, or it might have been budgerigars, being adversely affected by thunderstorms. It was a long time ago, and probably quite wrong!

    1. That's new to me, but I wonder if it's about stress?

  3. I like how you find joy in the opposite light situation.

  4. Why oh why didn't Kamala win?! I've just had crackers and Black Bomber cheddar - both presents - for lunch too. And have done some laundry. Similar lives.

    1. I wonder if women all over the world have similar lives!

  5. I, too, would love to hear the bird story(ies). I'm finding it hard to get back into the routine after having some of our family here for a couple days. A lot of driving for me so went to bed very early last night and pretty much slept the clock around which is unheard of for me.

    1. Now you're convalescing from a lovely visit! You drove all the way there and back twice? That's a lot.

    2. Yep - I'm the only driver among us (#1 son and dil don't have a car).

  6. Well, I am intrigued by the idea of hilarious aspects of avian reproduction, so do tell! I will not tldr it, I promise.

    1. It's more the hilarious aspects of human ignorance, but yes, I'll do it.

  7. Yes, please. Tell us about the birds. Morning sun from the west. That would be amusing.

    1. It's a brief annual event. Today it's raining though.

  8. When I read your sentence about dreams and brain circuits I first read it as "brain circus" and that made sense too.
    Another vote for bird breeding. I sure have seen a lot of examples of how chickens do it.

    1. Brain circus is good. Last night I established an art studio with two painters I know in rl, making massive collaborative paintings.

    2. Last night I dreamed I was on a bus trip across America. That actually was not bad.

  9. Living alone has its advantages but it lacks the division of tasks that can happen in a lot of households. All the chopping fetching, carrying, cooking has to be done by one for one. I guess one gets to choose the when and how much but there are days one might prefer to create all day and drudge another day.

    1. True about preferring one activity. However in many of the partnerships I've witnessed over a long life, it's one person doing everything for two. It's a wonderful relationship where there is an actual equitable division of labor. But I haven't noticed many of them.

    2. I just noticed the word drudge. There's no part of my life that I'd consider drudgery. I'm a bit dog like that way -- everything's my favorite!!

  10. I am now intrigued with what I don't know about birds so, yes, tell all!
    I love your last comment above. Everything's your favourite. What a great way to live.

    1. My life is lovely right now, just enjoying any old thing that happens or that I do. Nice frame of mind to be in.

  11. Well that’s why the birth of quintuplets. Reading about bird breeding.
    Your day sounds a bit like mine today.
    Doing odds and ends but going very slowly.
    Enjoy the rest of your day

    1. Slow is fine if that's what works for you. About the dream I think it's more likely my brain is still processing my older sister's attitudes!

  12. I once raised birds too. Never occurred to me that two finches might be one of each. Had to learn a lot. Had several broods and traded them to the pet store for bird supplies.

  13. Is that really, truly from Joe Biden? What a nice surprise for you. Some carrots can be very woody and I throw those to the birds after I've chopped them.

    1. I assume it's comms staff doing the texts, but approved by him in general.
      When I don't use the peelings from carrots for stock, they go out for birds and squirrels. Anything they don't eat will feed the earth.


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