Monday, December 30, 2024

The strange ruggy thing starts to develop, and fitness Boud style. Late: a great man has left us

 I'm glad the bird stories amused you, so much more, but that was enough to pack into one post. My posts sometimes make me think of an overstuffed suitcase with all kinds of unrelated items sticking out. Which is pretty much a description of my mind, come to think of it.

Anyway I've been doing something or other with the Granny square project, which is getting big enough to warm my legs while I work.

I've tried various ways of incorporating the small squares, and keep having better ideas. It will eventually look like something. That's my story anyway. 

I also report that the dodgy hip might be healing finally. I quit the stretches when I suspected that they were irritating the tissue rather than healing, and I've felt better since. I'm still moving, out walking today in an amazingly mild temperature, in the 60s f. 

There were multiple skeins  of Canada geese wheeling about, all making a right angle turn right over me and heading to the next town. They claim this is migration, big fibbers.

Back home I did some walking backwards in the kitchen, beside the counter, nine steps along its length. This is supposed to rebalance your muscles and tendons or something, after the forward motion of walking.  It did help the hip, so maybe there's something in it.

And while I'm waiting for something in the microwave, I do the standing on one foot exercise. I used to do the tree pose, as near as I can get to it, but now I do two in one -- balance on one leg while doing the upper body thing. 

You hold up your hands shoulder high, palms forward, elbows out to the side,  and shoulders pressed back. This is great for unkinking your neck. I do this to reverse the effect of all the forward positions of crochet. You can also do this in a doorway, hands on the frame,then leaning forward. 

Most of my exercise is brief and focused, short attention span, variety required, no surprise there. 

Despite my plans I wasn't feeling like cooking today, maybe tomorrow. I plan on Tofu Masala, for which I have pretty much all the ingredients, from Yeung Man Cooking. 

And a new recipe for little crisp cheese biscuits to try, from Marion's  World. She uploaded it a year ago and I found it today. 

Also I'm making mayo, maybe this time I'll try chickpea mayo, from Yeung Man, just to see what it's like.  Such ambition.

Happy day everyone, when in doubt do everything. Then you have no regrets.

Late addition:

I just heard Jimmy Carter has died. There's someone who always walked the walk. RIP.


  1. I do exercises as and when the mood takes me, but it should take me a little more frequently than it does!
    Very sad to hear about Jimmy Carter - he was a good man and a proper gentleman.

    1. Yes, he was a rare person. We're lucky to have had him.

  2. I'm currently trying to correct a dodgy hip myself so will try your tip of walking backwards along my kitcounter.

  3. Jimmy Carter grew better and greater the older he got. A true inspiration and a truly rare decent human being.

    1. This is so true. Even in extreme old age he stayed true.

  4. Yes, he walked the walk -- a Christian who actually acted like one.

    1. He was rare. We're blessed that we had him.

  5. Yes, if every Christian were like Jimmy Carter, this world would be a much better place.

  6. Your exercises are fantastic for keeping up your balance and mobility. I admire that you are doing it!
    Jimmy Carter. We should only have more people just like him in our country.

    1. He was like leaven in our world.
      I don't like exercising but I like the results, so there's that.

  7. I must give the walking backwards a try. I've taken a page out of your exercise manual and am trying to get up from my chair without using my arms for leverage. Not always easy but I'm working on it. Have had occasion to use a public bathroom a couple times lately and have discovered that getting up off their (obviously lower) seats can be dicey, so your exercise suggestion might help with that.
    Very sorry to hear about Jimmy Carter - he was a rare one in the world of politics.

    1. I'm glad you're trying the standing up exercise. It's great for strengthening your legs for stair climbing, aside from other benefits. And it keeps your quads strong which takes stress off your knees.

  8. Funny- I've had no real urge to cook the past two days either. I've just been heating up leftovers and since they are good leftovers, it's been fine.
    Jimmy Carter. I think he was a man who was so much more complex than many thought of him. There is an absence where he was.

    1. He was a wonderful former President. Most of them go on to nothing much, but he had a whole new world of service going.

  9. I have fallen away from exercising. If I were to make a resolution it would be to get back to it. Jimmy Carter was the definition of humanity, as it should be.

    1. Any little bit of exercise is better than not. He's a great role model.

  10. He walked the walk. That's a very good way to put it.

    The ruggy thing is developing into something interesting!

    1. The ruggy thing may metamorphose a few times on its way to completion.

  11. Sad to hear of the death of President Carter but as somebody said, at least Biden gets to do the eulogy not you know who.
    The upper body exercise hurts my shoulder but I will try walking backwards - I suppose I would have to for Christmas.

    1. Biden will honor him appropriately. I feel so lucky to have lived here throughout his campaign and presidency and the significant life he led after leaving office.
      Don't do anything that hurts your shoulder. Unless ice or heat will work? Is the reference to the Goons?!

  12. Yes, sometimes too much therapy can delay healing. Glad your hip is feeling a bit better. Love the crocheting.

    1. Thank you, it's nice to see improvement. At this age there's always the fear that pain is the new normal. The crocheting looks a bit rocky right now, but it will get there. At least that's the plan.

  13. This death saddens me so much...

  14. That's definitely good news on the hip. I, too, am mourning the passing of Jimmy Carter. He was my favorite president -- and such a good human being.

    1. It was our good luck to have been alive when he was.

  15. I firmly believe that short exercises are better that ones that wear you out. As we get older, the aim should not be to get stronger or fitter, but not to get any worse.

  16. I love working on a project that will surprise even me.
    Just going where inspiration takes you.
    Your much better than I am at exercising. Maybe I’ll start doing some next year.

    1. Sounds like a good idea in moderation. I agree about a project you follow where it's going!


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