Saturday, December 2, 2023

Knitting group, and a lottery-winner calico kitty

 Yesterday's group

General clutter created by Boud

See the sweater and the waiting felted bag

Now in action, that bag is great,  both made by M who loves the blue, grey end of the spectrum.

And for a change of pace, here's K with fine-gauge cross-stitch, for a new grandchild

Chat ranged across the Civil War, recent deaths of very old people, also A.S.Byatt,  Henry VIII, Car Talk, Izzy dolls, for whom I found a couple of different face colored yarns in the library stash, gong bathing, Gwyneth Paltrow, why women lie about their age,  and  other family arguments. The usual wide range.  There was also some incidental chat about the projects we were engaged in.

Happy day, everyone, go to e's blog Life in Progress and admire her beautiful calico  kitty, newly arrived chez e.


  1. Liz Hinds will be thrilled that her Gong Bath was a topic of conversation at your knitting group -- the power of blogging!

    1. Considering how few people I see these days, it's just as well my blogging life brings me interesting material to chat about.

  2. Such a talented and interesting group.

    1. There are quite a few people, usually a different selection each time I'm there. Always interesting though.

  3. Looks like a pleasant way to socialize.

  4. That kitty really did win the lottery. I have always told my real age. Why bother not to. I looks like a good day at the knitters group.

    1. I've wondered about the age thing, but I was told that women try to stave off aging because they get devalued as they age. So there's that.

  5. I love your knitting group! Thank you for bringing us along. That sweater is going to be a thing of beauty. The colors are gorgeous.
    Yes- that kitten of e's is a lucky little darling.

    1. The kitten sounds like quite a piece of work! Like other calicos I've known.

  6. The sweater AND the bag are both beautiful. What a talented group.

    1. They are very good, always some ambitious project going.

  7. gong bath. I had to look that up. years ago I went to a glass artist's symposium and it was held at a Buddhist meditation center and a local glass studio. every morning the caretakers on site would conduct a meditation session and one morning after the initial meditation, they used a gong, for I suppose a gong bath while we meditated. it was really powerful, I could actually feel the sound waves washing over me.

  8. Always nice to gather and create. Have a nice weekend.

  9. Oh yes. We used to solve the problems of the world in our knitting group.
    It was good therapy to talk about not only world issues but our own.
    We do that in the pool in the mornings as well.
    Our motto. What’s said in the water stays in the water and we all leave feeling a little lighter having unloaded our worries and shared them around.

    1. It's nice to have that option of a group with shared interests.

  10. Your knitting talent enables you to join a group with similar interests, and that's great! As they say: 'two birds in one hand' - practice your skill and socialize.

    1. I find it easier to be sociable when I'm making something. Not so much when it's just chatting.


  11. Such a group has started where I live. I was too shy to attend the first meeting. Maybe the next one because you make it sound like a good healthy thing to do.
    Thank you

    1. Give it a try! Just see how it feels. Try to go more than once, because different people come different weeks, and it's good to meet them. And let us know how it goes.

  12. It is so nice to get out to chat like you did. I always feel energized after I’ve been out like that.

    1. It makes the next couple of days more enjoyable, too.

  13. Craft groups are very special places. I miss mine.

    1. Do you think you'll find, or start, one in your new home?

  14. Interesting that reply you made about being easier to socialize when making something - there is something powerful in sharing some activities like creativeness, gardening, even beach cleaning or repair cafes. Like you I think my sociability is best enjoyed while engaged in something for the hands. Never thought about that before. Btw i love that felted bag.

    1. I always need a task in order to feel I belong. I love that bag, too, her first serious felting project.

  15. Yhank you for your kind comments. Mercy is busy chasing a feather and scaling my loveseat!

    1. I think there will be very few dull moments in your life from now on.

  16. Gong bathing... Trying to decide if I want to look that one up. lol Of course I'm going to!

    1. Check in at Liz's blog Finding Life Hard? She just did it and describes it as a participant.

  17. I think there's a knitting group here but I've heard they're quite snobbish so I've stayed away. I don't have time for it anyway and it's enough that I belong to the quilt guild.


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