Monday, February 1, 2021

Candlemas Day! White Rabbits!

 Also a big snow. Supposed to continue till 1 pm tomorrow.  State of emergency, usual thing.

The primulas putting up a good show all about spring

And I'm fervently glad my neighbors removed the cherry tree, or it would be crashed across the patio at this point

No loss of power up to now, cosy indoors, pot of tea and honey on hot biscuit for breakfast.

So far, so good.

Candlemas, Candlemas, Candlemas Day!

Throw all your candles and candlesticks away!

Traditional rhyme for the day, always seemed a bit premature to me, only February.

Also Saint Brigid's Day, saint of healing, very timely of her.


  1. And before she was a saint, Brigid was a Triple Goddess of Healing too! Stay warm and cozy -- enjoy those biscuits with honey, yum!

  2. You do have some lovely plants to take care of. Hope all that snow will not be a big problem for you.

    1. Yes. This is one part of the collection. There are two others.

  3. glad you are cozy inside. it's chilly out here but will warm up quickly I think.

    1. Here it will be hot chocolate weather for a while. As long as the power holds up, we're good.

  4. Pretty, pretty plants looking so cozy against the snow.
    I've never had a clue about Candlemas.

    1. It's a mixture of pagan belief about the return of light and healing, and Christian overlay making it about sexual purity. Feast of the Purification of Mary tomorrow. The early Church fathers were obsessed, if you ask me. Also totally wrong in considering childbirth something to be purified from.

  5. Yes I said Rabbits first thing this morning, the white only needs to be said in January, or at least that's my tradition.... and Candlemas is February 2, tomorrow!

    1. Yes, aka the purification I mentioned above. I'm a bit ahead of myself.
      On the rabbits, white rabbits is required every month. In some traditions it's not every month. I wonder how many variations there are.

  6. The scene with the lights and plants is quite lovely! Take care!

  7. I have the lights on year round. I like the effect a lot.

  8. The only good snow is that which can be looked at from the indoors, at least IMHO. So far (touch wood) our winter has been relatively uneventful and I'm quite hopeful it stays that way. Biscuits, jam and hot tea sounds pretty good on a day like this.


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