Saturday, February 13, 2021

Misfits box

The Misfits box arrived, and had exciting boxes within it. Even though I ordered what's inside, it still feels like a surprise to open it each time. 

And a lovely array of foods, seen here washing off the real estate before chopping and freezing the leeks and celery, and scrubbing the fruit and root veg.

And here's the now traditional Friday night salad, leaf lettuce, celery, grape tomatoes and a crowning touch, a strawberry.  Bit of  mayonnaise added after the pic. Very simple tonight. With the last bowl of cashew butternut squash soup.

At this point I'm eating very well, and, with the few items Handsome Son picks up for me, my monthly food bill totals about $130. Including a few nonfoods. I think that's not bad for a high end series of meals.


  1. Bit short of breakfast foods, so I had the second broccoli pasty, and I was surprised to enjoy it. Hadn't thought of it for breakfast before.

  2. Another lovely assortment of goodies by the looks of it. There was a notice on the local facebook page taking signups for something similar but unfortunately you have to sign on for the entire summer and there's no way of knowing what you might end up getting...or more importantly the quantity and quality. They don't list their price up front so don't know if it might be worthwhile.

    1. That sounds like the farm share I used to have. They really ought to be able to give you estimates of crops and prices. Our local one cost an average of $12 weekly and guaranteed that much value, depending on the retail value of the crops. More squash than, say, asparagus. But their crops got fewer as time went on, and they had to plant cheaper. So this is a better choice for me. I sympathize with farmers wanting to see their income up front, though.

    2. I completely understand the situation that farmers are in, having come from a farm when I was young. I really don't mind giving them the money up front but I really would like to see what value I would be getting for the investment. If it's like the previous box plan we signed up for it wasn't local produce (think I mentioned that before) and it was double the price that we would pay in the grocery store. Maybe one day 'Misfits' will be available here.

    3. It's certainly a good option for me. I hope you can find something's like it.

  3. not bad at all. I spend way too much even just for two and a dog and a cat and currently birds. there's a farm nearby that does boxes similar to misfits only you don't get to choose, just large or small box and even the small box had a lot that I shared it with my sister and daughter. I'll probably do it again when winter is over.

    1. I really liked the aspect of very little travel for my produce when I had my farmshare. But in winter not possible. I liked supporting local farmers, too.

  4. How interesting. My food budget is the same as yours, not because I budget it, but because that's what it costs for what I buy. The whole secret is, we prepare all our own food. I find the thought of processed food repulsive these last several years. Save crostatas, I don't prepare sweets at all. They are too sweet.

    1. What I pay from Misfits market is about half the local retail price in this expensive state. To me it's so welcome.

      I agree that cooking what you eat is frugal. Also a whole lot healthier than store bought.

  5. That is really good and you have quality food as you said.


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