Sunday, February 21, 2021

Squirrel Butternut

Hazy Sunday morning picture shot through screening, of happy squirrel breakfasting on the butternut squash seeds and rinds I tossed out yesterday while I made lunch.

A couple of minutes after this, he drove off another squirrel who showed up wanting to join in. I'd have thought there was enough for ten squirrels, but Butternut Boy begged to differ.


  1. I never thought to bring those seeds to the squirrels along the boardwalk. I always learn something from you, Boud.

    1. They love seeds like this. And I'm happy to share. Info as well as seeds.

  2. oh, I never thought of that either. good to know.

  3. Replies
    1. He was twice the heft of the little guy he drove off, so for him it's survival of the fattest!

  4. I buy a squash of some sort every time I shop, and in future will give the seeds away.

  5. At this rate I'm going to get an award from the Squirrel Nutrition and Pigging Out Council.

  6. Wonder what an award from the SNPOC will look like? Good to know that squirrels like the seeds and will pass that info along to Resident Chef for the next time we get a squash.

    1. Rinds, too. There's only crumbs left out there today.


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