Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Mixed blessing, but there's chocolate

This mountain of snow outside my window, which will be there till April probably, looks undesirable, but there's a good side: the birds have seized on it as a shelter from being observed, and are flocking to the feeder undisturbed.  For them it's a lot better than a street view. So there's that. And the Carolina wren started a mating/territory call yesterday.  That, too.

Meanwhile, Valentine's Day is almost here, and I see no reason why everyone is not qualified to celebrate.  So my neighbors are in for a few treats.  If my Indian neighbors are back, they'll be included.  And definitely the people who do such a lot for me and my car, and my cook friend across the street, and maybe even the unfriendly lady whose car went away the other day. Handsome Son, of course. So I made enough to go around.

 One ordinary chocolate cake, that simple recipe, only in a glass pan because I wanted it wider and thinner than usual

Then sliced into cubes, more or less, while I get ready to melt chocolate bits

then proceed to spoon melted chocolate over each cube, adding a  whole almond while the chocolate's still wet.

And now there are supplies in the freezer and the fridge.  I also left half a dozen unchoccied, for myself, not always wanting chocolate, I know, very odd.

 I also have white chocolate chips, but they'll be used another time, for something different.

This constitutes my Valiant Valentine Bit.


  1. GENIUS IDEA! Lucky neighbors. And Handsome Son.

  2. How very thoughtful of you, Liz. And yes! What a great idea to ice individual pieces of cake! I don't know anyone who really wants a whole cake these days, but some yummy iced pieces? Perfect! Thank you for sharing this idea.

    1. They're a cross between a chocolate and a little cake. The kind that's just one bite really, so it's okay to have several..

  3. Lucky friends and neighbours! I agree, Valentines Day should be for everyone!

  4. Delicious. Can I try some?
    Valentine’s Day is really only for you and another who sends you secret messages and gifts I thought.
    It’s very kind of you to make a general gift giving day out of it.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Just explaining: it was a duplicate of Friko's posted comment.

  6. Replies
    1. I tested them after the chocolate hardened, and they were pretty good. More luxurious than frosting.

  7. Lucky recipients of those goodies! Hope that mound of snow melts slowly though or there could be a flood.

  8. What a really nice Valentine for friends and family!

  9. Oh yum, chocolate cake with more chocolate on the top, I could go for that! I don't do much baking recently as I'm by myself now and my grandies are no longer living 5 minutes away, and anyway, if I bake good stuff there's only me here to eat it, and I definitely will!
    Love the way you are feeding the neighbourhood. One of my neighbours arrived at my door yesterday with a little bag of chocolate goodies and a big Caramilk bar!!!


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