Tuesday, February 16, 2021

See Forty Eight and Counting!

At year 48

Click there, for anyone wanting to see a wedding reception pic, also some repetitive blogging, just skip that if you've heard enough! It does amplify our rollercoaster relationship.  And there's a picture of us older.  This post was written just a few months before Handsome Partner died, on our son's birthday.  At that time we thought we still had years to go.

These last few days have been a whirl.  Valentine's Day, Presidents' Day, Shrove Tuesday and wedding anniversary.  I don't know if I can handle the excitement around here!

 Here's the makings of pancakes for breakfast, complete with lemon juice and sugar

And here's breakfast.

One of my friends who likes seasonal decorating makes felt shamrocks to hang up. Now I'm thinking of a shamrock mobile in anticipation of St Patrick's Day, which I don't really celebrate, but I've nothing against shamrocks.  Meanwhile, here's a flock of birds to celebrate the return to the feeders. 

Each one has one white side, one black side, and they change with a breath of air. Here they're installed above a lamp, over the Dollivers and their dogs, and maybe a bit of heat will happen to move the air. There's usually hot air around the Dollivers. 
If you're new to this blog, check the labels on the rightmost column for Dolliver references, and enjoy browsing. It's a group of five character  dolls I knitted long ago, and costumed for various celebrations, who took on a life of their own, but are in abeyance just at the moment. Resting from their engagements.

And yesterday, when I opened the bedroom window earlier to breathe in the air, I heard a cardinal fluting away.  The birds seem to believe Spring will get here soon.

Every morning I open the window as soon as I wake up, to breathe in and smell the air and see what's up out there this morning.  It sets up the day. Today smells less cold and more damp.


  1. You could avoid St Patrick's Day connections for your mobile if you made your clovers four-leaf clovers -- then it would be a Good Luck mobile instead!

    1. Why would I avoid St Patrick's Day? Shamrocks are lovely!

  2. we were all convinced it *was* spring here until the polar vortex arrowed it's way to our hearts. this kind of valentine gift I can do without. I do like your bird mobile. I have a windchime made from glass tubes that I hung inside just to the side of the garage door that tinkles everytime you open or close the door or when it and the other back door are both open and a breeze comes through. I was afraid to hang it outside for fear our wind would break the glass tubes, plus the vanes are made of heavy paper.

    1. I'm very concerned about you all with the awful weather and particularly the power loss.
      I'm glad you checked in, so I guess you have power.

  3. Today is damp. At 5 AM the snow was powder. At 8. AM there was a thin crust other top of the snow, and on the car windows.

  4. A beautiful, if unusual, love story. Matthew McConaughey's parents were married three times, divorced twice- to each other. This is how it goes for some people.
    I love the thought of you opening the window to breathe in the fresh air every morning. I sleep with my window at least cracked, right over my bed, no matter how cold it's supposed to be. I feel like I'll suffocate if I don't. Somehow I manage in the summer when the air conditioner is on, though, to keep it shut!

    1. We always belonged together even when we were poles apart. Nobody else could fill the bill for either of us.

  5. Thank you for sending us to the story of HP.
    I hope you are not shoveling out your car another time!

    1. We have another snowstorm in the forecast for Thursday, so we'll see. Today was in the high 40s, very nice for walking if you could get around the puddles and the small rivers flowing down the street from the thaw.

  6. Pancakes with lemon are the best, I made some too.

  7. That was an interesting and unusual love story, a bit like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton although Liz and Dick were not half as handsome as you two.

    1. Too funny!! Yes we were sooooooo glam..we certainly had an interesting life.

      About pancakes: tomorrow will be pancakes with strawberry jam.

  8. I like the mobile. The birds have found my feeder and emptied it within a short time. Damp there? Raining here. I'm tired of winter now.

    1. Today sunny and in the single digits. Yeah, I'm ready for spring, too.

  9. Oh how I wish to open a bedroom window at night again. It won’t be anytime soon!

  10. You've had an interesting life - and good that you came together once again. I've missed the Dollivers but assumed they were quarantining.

    1. My life's not over yet! And the Dollivers will probably return one day when I get the gumption.

    2. You've HAD an interesting life and I know there's many more 'interesting's' yet to come!!!

  11. Oh, Liz, I remember your HP's passing so well. I haven't seen you on Ravelry recently so you won't know that I have recently lost my DH. Such a huge gap in my life now.

    1. I left ravelry some time ago.

      I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Yes, a massive difference in your life. For quite a while just breathing is about the best you can do. This evening is my centering prayer meeting, and I'll put you and him into my meditation. So sorry, Marrianne.

    2. Thank you Liz. Hugs to you and yours in these troubling times.


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