Monday, February 1, 2021

Soup and salad served

 A large pot of soup happened last evening. Snow prep. So here's lunch today.  Tomato, many onions, chickpeas added after the blending. Tomato salad with just oil and vinegar, sea salt, black pepper. Ripened on the windowsill.

A very red lunch, tomatoes in every form.

Then another run at banana bread, only with banana, no adventures with pumpkin this time.  I just happened to have three ripe bananas, first time in many weeks.  One cup AP, half cup wholewheat pastry flour, golden raisins, crushed walnuts, fresh ginger chunks.

If it ever stops snowing, and neighbors help with digging out my car, some of this may find its way to their house. Right now, that's not for today.  Nobody has even tried to get out, except one hardy soul went somewhere, plowing through the dug snow.  I can't even get to my car, snow too deep.

 Dessert.  Pretty good, too. I like ginger in cake in little cubes like this.  I'm not a fan of prepping ginger for the freezer, but it lasts for ages, and I'm usually glad I did.


  1. The storm is headed this way. Be safe and take care.

    1. You too. The length of the storm is now extended to Tuesday evening. Another lot of snow and wind coming in. Second day of emergency declared. My son can't even get out of the parking lot yet, let alone on the road.
      I haven't been able to get near my my car to run it, snow too deep, after the sidewalk cats have plowed us in. We'll see what tomorrow brings. As of now we have power.

  2. Oh, how I hope that your power doesn't go out! How do you face such cold and so much snow? I truly respect you.
    That soup looks so good. I am sure it was. And I need to make banana bread too.
    Stay warm and cozy, dear lady.

    1. Times like this I wonder that, too!
      The soup was very welcome. And real banana bread.
      Staying warm and ready with flashlights, emergency foil blanket in case the power goes out.

  3. That was one major storm! I'm sure your neighbors will help you dig out.

    1. It's only half done. More overnight, maybe six inches more. We have about a foot already.

  4. I intend to make some banana bread muffins in about a week's time when the bananas My Rare One bought at Costco finally get overripe. I've started using a muffin tin instead of a loaf pan because I like walnuts in banana bread but My Rare One doesn't, so muffins allow me to add walnuts only in my muffins, not hers.

  5. Been thinking of you all day. I can just imagine (from growing up in upstate NY) the blanket of snow that's burying your town. Stay safe, hope the power stays on. Yay soup for this kind of weather!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Power is still on, blessedly. We had about 20" I believe. Wind, blowing snow, too. My main ambition today is to access and start my car even if I can't dig it out. Hoping for help with that.

  6. That looks amazing! I have learned something, too - that you can prep ginger for the freezer. I have a couple of big roots of ginger, and will look it up. I adore ginger. I never thought of putting it in banana cake!

    1. Glad to see you here. You'd be surprised at what I freeze! Practically anything. I like ginger in little dice, to get a spark of surprise flavor, rather than grated. But you can freeze either, just fine.

  7. Looks good
    I've been soup lazy, haven't made any in weeks.

    1. I go through periods like that, just not up for one kind of food or another. I like making soup, since it means that one pot is about six meals taken care of.

  8. I'm glad you're able to stay in where it's toasty, and we can enjoy seeing pictures of your yummy eats!

    1. So happy we never lost power in the storm. We rarely do, having one of the better power companies who put money into infrastructure and crews, but we have millions of trees in the state, and high winds can bring down wires and power with them. We can't bury wires, even if it were affordable, because the water table is so high it would be a flooding issue, where they would be waterlogged and create even bigger issues.

  9. I bought some tomatoes from the reduced table at the store yesterday but they'll need to ripen just a tad more. I imagine they'll still taste like plastic but at least they're something different to eat. I'm interested now in trying a bit of ginger in our next banana bread but I suppose that means I have to remember to buy some ginger (IF the store even has any!)

    1. If you can find ginger, buy several roots, peel, dice and freeze, and you'll be set for ages.

  10. If it snows down here (very, very occasionally), everyone runs outside to frolic in the white stuff. However, I'd be perfectly happy if it didn't come this way - maybe out to the big water and let it drown.

    1. I like a spring snowstorm because it's pretty and goes away fast before it outstays its welcome. Here kids were not out playing, cold too bitter, windy, not very safe.


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