Friday, February 5, 2021

Plant detective alert and other vital issues

 This morning I was doing a bit of housekeeping on this plant, removing spent foliage

 And noticed this little sprig at the base of the plant. 


As you see, quite different leaf form, probably a hitch hiker.  But I'm wondering what it might be.  Anyone who can identify it, please do! 

 This plant has been in my collection since it came from next door's collection in late summer last year.  So I don't know what the origin might be.  Could be seeded from another of my own plants, except I don't recognize the foliage at all.  Or it could be an opportunistic weed plant which has lain dormant for who knows how long.  Or a baby tree, planted by squirrels when the plant was outdoors last summer.  My money's on a tree. I'm thinking of digging it up and giving it its own pot, to see what happens.

And, since I'm in contemplative mood, this is my latest book from the library, an actual paper book, with rounded corners, old fashioned diary style.  I don't know much about it, except that the writer drew on her own novels to find interesting paths to think about and maybe act on.  It came out a couple of years ago, but seems relevant right now.

And remember I was wondering about buying a tablet, then suddenly got a new phone? This is why. See the tape.

One of the governing buttons, the sound control rocker switch, fell off  the old phone somewhere, never noticed it was gone until I realized I couldn't change the sound levels at all.  All the internal screens end up directing you to the external button.  And I realized I'd better get a new phone in case the other, the on/off switch, went the same way.

So I did, and I use the old phone like the tablet I nearly bought, same functionality for my purposes, saved me quite a bit. I access websites and audiobooks, take pix, everything except phone and text. And the pix I take on here appear on my new phone anyway, all synced.

Then yesterday, I noticed a little metal thing on the kitchen counter, where I'd been using the old phone to take pix for blogz.  Thought at first it was a bit of tinfoil, nearly swept it into the garbage, then took another look.  And realized it was the other button, the much more important on/off one, which had fallen off.  I set it back in place, and to make sure it didn't get permanently lost, taped it.  It works just fine with this diy fix.  Too bad I didn't find the rocker (sound) switch before it vanished into the ether.

And I scrutinize the new phone, same design, frequently, to make sure its buttons don't go MIA.

And, on the subject of Other Clever Things I Did, I managed to get gas for my car this morning. Only the second tank since I bought it last March.  But the tricky bit is that I couldn't for the life of me get the gas cap open. The switch was awkward to reach, down left of my foot, impossible to see what direction to push or yank or slide or what. And I was wondering whether to get gas after the library and realized that the dopey gas cap control was putting me off.  So I decided I'd just do it.  And to my astonishment, managed for the first time to get it open without the aid of the impatient garage mechanic reaching past me and banging it open with a grunt of annoyance.  So now I can do that.

There was a slight hitch when I found I couldn't open the window because I'd turned the engine off.  I thought I could get the driver side window open without the engine on, but noooo. So I had to pay through an open door, gah.  Anyway, it's done for another four or so months! I have the econo setting for fuel on. Not exactly vital at this time.  

This Fit is well named, considering the fits it's given me in our short relationship to date.


  1. Your new growth looks a bit oak tree-ish. Perhaps a buried acorn in the soil finally popped up a little stem. Good for you! Another talent (2 actually) for your resume - fixing phones and getting gas.

    1. I think it's a red oak sapling. Highly likely a squirrel buried it last year. We get a lot of rogue trees that way, usually out of doors, though.

  2. Next you'll be using piano wire and chewing gum to repair that phone! Whatever works...
    You are such a resourceful woman.

    1. I'm so cheap, anything to avoid buying a tablet!

  3. The last time I bought a car, I seriously considered getting a Honda Fit. But it did not come with a spare "donut" tire, only one of those "puncture patch-it" kits that I don't like. So I bought a Toyota Yaris instead. And I did have occasion just about 6 months ago to have the spare "donut" tire put on when I hit a curb. So my foresight paid off, LOL.

    1. Must have been a different year. All the
      2018 Fits have a spare tire, jack, wrenches etc. In fact I just went and checked, not having taken that step before. And yes, there it is, looking fine, unused.
      But some cars don't come with a spare, seems aweird way of saving weight and cost.

    2. I was car shopping in 2013, so maybe since then Honda has wised up and put a donut back in their vehicles.

  4. Just added another bullet point to my resume: I found how to adjust the dome light to come on when the door is opened. Yay me.
    I also found a rapid series of beeps means I switched off the engine while still in gear. One of the things they don't tell you about push button starting. With a key ignition, it wasn't possible to remove the key until the car was in park, I believe. Now I proceed with caution.

  5. I agree, the sprout is an oak tree. Congratulations on your auto advancement skills!

  6. Third oak sapling agreement - red oak family, so scarlet oak is vey likely. Congrats on your resourcefulness!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you everyone for the plant ID. And the encouragement for my tiny advances in mechanical accomplishment.

  7. I see the sapling has been identified. Oak is what I thought too. my car has a button on the driver's side door that lets you lock the windows so they won't go down without the engine on or unlock it so that you can put the window down after the engine is off for a limited amount of time. I had no idea but I figured it out after my little dog that I had left in the car while I ran into the grocery store for a few things ran up to me in the store! she had managed to stand on the window button long enough for it to go down and out she went. coming out with her under one arm and pushing the basket with the other I passed a man who said oh, she found you, she ran past here like a rocket.

    1. Trust a dog to find out how to open a window! I must look for that feature on my car. The unlock with engine off, I mean, not the dog as passenger.

  8. Look at it this way - all learning is a good thing for our brains. Resident Chef has always been the gas-getter in our family but I have recently learned to do it myself, mainly because HE can't figure out how to use the credit card in the gas bowser. Can't go inside the kiosk to pay during times of covid so a learning curve for both of us. I live in absolute terror that I will inadvertently put diesel fuel in so I second guess what buttons I push.

    1. Since it's illegal to pump your own gas in NJ, I've never done it. On rare occasions visiting out of state friends, the husband almost always assumed he would gas up my car ready to leave. Or maybe making sure I left. Anyway, I have little idea what your comment is about other than paying for gas! No idea how it's done, or how to pay for it, or where or when. I will be glad if the law is left as is. It was the gas station lobby that did it, apparently it's better for them.


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