Friday, September 18, 2020

Many happy returns

Two returns, to be exact, one being my blessed housecleaners, and though I've been okay about sweeping floors and wiping bathrooms since March, it was just not in the same league as a couple of hours of their attention.

They clean stuff I can't reach, and they can rassle the vacuum cleaner on the two flights. And they leave the place smelling lovely.

I go out and leave them to it, and today I thought of a few items to attend to out of the house, less easy than it used to be when I could just go to the library. So I hit the bank, needing cash for anyone who shops for me, and the farmstand.

Then, the Asian store being steps away, kept on the mask and gloves and tried to go there. Found it was being gutted. The new incarnation of it, different shopping plaza, evidently has finally opened. I missed that completely.

Nothing daunted, I proceeded to the farm. Sawhorses up.  I was half an hour too early. Oh. Still undaunted, I kept going, to see if I could pick up a couple of items at CVS. That worked. First visit since February. And it appears that the new Asian store is open right next door to there.

Then back to the farm, determined, and scored tomatoes, potatoes and Fuji apples.

Then thought I'd stop off in the local park. Completely missed the entrance. By now a bit daunted, I kept on steadfastly and went to see if I could succeed in getting into the Preserve.

This was the other happy return. Haven't been for months, what with heat and storms.

It was not only open, but their WiFi signal radius is huge. I sat by the lake, away from the building, trying to identify various plants and insects online.

What's this plant? Tiny flowers shaped like a member of the pea family. And the little moth? Fat body, not a butterfly. Not a grasshopper.

It was just one of the best visits in ages, lovely wind, cool enough for a jacket, perfect for sitting.

Goldenrod going well.

Smelled wonderful, fresh off the water. Revisited favorite places.

Such as this little nook

And this afternoon is my online knitters' group. 

So I'm off to fire up my computer ready for that. Maybe I'll look in the mirror. After being out in a brisk wind, I expect I need to tame my hair.

What a great Friday.


  1. That does sound like a great Friday. And now nice to go home to a clean house!

  2. Another chapter in the Adventures of Boud - always interesting. Yay for clean houses, no matter how they happen.

  3. I know I'm late dropping by for this post, but I wanted to ooh and aah over your having a lovely nature place so close - and with WiFi! The best of both worlds?

    1. It was a gravel quarry many years ago, hence the deep water lake, which is fed by a waterway band was a big problem to keep drained enough to quarry. It makes a much better nature preserve. Many rare wildflowers, a lot of fish, and seabirds rest here on migration. We're an hour from the Atlantic, enough inland for them to shelter in their journey. And since we're on the Atlantic Flyway,many species of birds.
      It's a treasure.
      I only just found out about the WiFi, amazed about it.


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