Saturday, September 19, 2020

Come and frivol a bit

So, in urgent need of something that absolutely does not matter, I threw a Teddy Tea. The best Shelley china, hand-crocheted cloth, bears are the Downton Abbey of toys.

And I thought since this is one reason I buy Roma plum tomatoes, and keep lemons frozen just in case, I might as well make a little batch of Tomato lemon jam. 

I was short of sugar, so I halved the recipe, which was fine,  because I only had one jar available anyway.

Cut-out recipe from long gone cookbook, with added undecipherable notes, food stains attesting to the history of making this jam.

The boiling water I dropped the tomatoes in, to peel them,  later served to sterilize the sole jar, and, still later, was poured over the dishes in the soapy sink. Waste not etc.

And I now have a mini harvest of one jar, probably two pints.

It's very tangy, excellent on toast for tea. Or ham as a sauce. Or fish. Or ice cream or yogurt. Or a lot of things in fact.

I've usually served it without naming it, to people who would get all bent about tomatoes in jam. Then they taste it,  want more -- one guest asked if she could take some home!-- and then I tell them what it is. At this point some people look at the jar wonderingly, but my work is done.


  1. awwww, so sweet the tea!! i LOVE recipes that look like that with hand written notes!! have a wonderful weekend!!!

  2. Never had tomato jam but I imagine it is truly delicious.

  3. I made tomato jam, without the lemon. It wasn’t thick enough to suit me. The pectin would have helped.

    1. The lemon also acts to gel it. Aside from being a great complement to the tomato flavor. They're a good pair.

      I don't eat jello, but if you do you can make a great jello using tomato juice instead of water in a lemon Jello mix.

  4. Good for you having tea with the bears.

  5. Around here I'm the help. Set the table, served the bears then left them to it. Fred and Ursula were pleased and I have to name the third bear. She was supposed to be here temporarily, but seems to have moved in. Staunch feminist as you see from her pussyhat. Maybe she'll be Ruth. What does everyone think?

  6. Tomato jam - sounds good! Reminds me of a jam I made years ago that had green tomatoes and, I think, raspberry jello. Recipe has gone by the wayside now though.

  7. Just stopping in to say I've had some serious email exchanges with friends all of whom related updates about their bears. Location, current outfit, etc. We're all as nuts as each other! Cheered me up a treat on a grim day. Go bears!

  8. Hmmm - next spring when I get real tomatoes again (rather than the store variety) I will give tomato jam a try. Sounds interesting.

    1. It's one of those jams that need a day to mellow, then it's wonderful. Just tangy enough. Do try it. Plenty of lemons. Great combo.


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