Thursday, August 6, 2020

The planting of the red potato, 2020

I managed to dislodge a lemon balm plant, now living where the squash was, after a titanic struggle, it having filled the pot with roots and driven then securely into the ground. So I had a pot for the Potato Planting of 2020.

Filled the pot with new soil, ready for its occupant. You'll notice the drainage holes are left open, to allow roots to get through. And I don't fuss about cutting bits with eyes. I just drop it in whole. I haven't noticed any difference in results between the two methods. 

Watch this space. Potatoes usually make very decorative flowers before they get busy with the little tubers. So they're good at every stage.

The rest of the soil topped up some indoor plants which had used up a lot of their original stuff. You don't always have to repot, since some plants don't object to a new supply right at the ground level.

 It's not like trees or shrubs, which require that you bury them at the right depth or they'll give up.  And today I wasn't up to hauling yet more pots about. So this was Good Enough Gardening. Mine often is. 

I think plants are like kids and pets, they just think what happens at their house is normal and proceed accordingly. 


  1. Excellent gardening philosophy!

  2. Resident Chef has potatoes growing in a pot on the balcony. My taste buds are already watering in anticipating of baby potatoes....with real butter.

    1. Those tiny new potatoes, butter, snips of chives. Gourmet food.


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