Sunday, August 9, 2020

Stuff just goes on growing

 Thank you everyone who emailed, sent eCards, texted, dmd and commented. You were all very helpful and I'm glad I posted. I wasn't going to because it's so private, but decided I'd at least give people a chance to help. Which you all did. 

This was the hardest year to date probably because of the state of the world. But today's another day. And handsome son is grocery shopping and delivering, with extras, his choice, to share for a little celebration later today.

Meanwhile nature's always there with help

Vicks plant for winter cold medicine


  1. We had a rain yesterday afternoon and afterwards the sun came out and the giant spruce tree outside my sewing room window was sparkling like diamonds. The sun was hitting the rain droplets in just such a way to create that illusion. Only lasted for a few minutes but it was incredible. Of course not translatable into a photo.


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