Monday, November 14, 2022

Malay World Textiles

The latest presentation from this group was a two hour well researched firehose of information from an expert, about the many categories of textile arts in the Malay world. 

Running from ancient times to the present day, it was based on a recent enormous show of over 700 museum quality pieces from every era and type.

I'm just going to show you my pictures, heavily edited for number, of this blaze of work. 


It was a feast of art and craftsmanship and this is just a little part of what I watched, ss an encouragement to  us to keep our vision wide and inclusive. 

Anyone can sign up free, as i did, to get the Textile Museum  Associates of Southern California newsletter and links for monthly presentations, which are usually very well captioned and researched, and worth checking out.

Happy day everyone, keep hoping for those House seats and good news.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I like vibrant colors. Snoopy is so right.

    1. There was so much more, but there's a limit to what we can absorb in a blog post. He also showed videos from the exhibit and the glamorous reception dinner with wonderful looking foods, even the table settings were artworks, and a modern fashion show, women's and men's fashions.

  2. I can't imagine how they could have fit all of that in in a two hour presentation!

  3. What a gorgeous and colourful exhibition!

    1. It was hard to omit a lot of pictures, but I tried to keep the most spectacular pieces in.

  4. How beautiful. The work that goes into these is astounding.

    1. I really liked how he centered the makers, weavers, stitchers, designers, throughout. Mostly women artists.

  5. Incredible work and so wonderfully colourful too.


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