Friday, November 11, 2022

Islamic art, and procrastination

Yesterday's walk was beautiful, before the remains of the latest storm get here with wind and rain today.

And soup happened, because I may feel like it in the next couple of days. Butternut squash, carrot, tofu, creamed , with turmeric and nutmeg, using veg stock and whey from yogurt cheese making

While I was thinking ahead, I set up a Health Bar (mental health) kit to use nearer Christmas. It's now in the freezer, measured out, butter, sugar, chocolate chips. Recipe now in the Big Three Ring Binder. I must go through that and toss any recipes I don't use.

And here's leaving you with Islamic art for your spirits.

And if you feel tired just reading all this,  fear not, we've got the answer

I have a couple of favorite byways on that map, being capable of doing several other tasks in avoiding one I don't feel up to.

Happy day everyone, Kherson is free of Russian invaders as of now. Keep hope alive in our own lives, too 


  1. The tofu in the soup is an interesting addition. I haven’t taken to tofu but I’ve seen some interesting recipes with it lately.

    1. Wheomy meal is soup I like to increase the nutrition with tofu.

  2. Islamic art/calligraphy is indeed beautiful -- so intricate!

    1. The domes are especially lovely,, full of detail and pattern.

  3. Ask anyone who has had experiences with LSD and they will tell you that Islamic artists must have, at one point, been influenced by some psychotropic drug. There is no doubt in my mind. Now- seeing those images and translating them are two different things and therein lies the miracle, the magic, the artistry.

    1. That's an interesting observation, one I hadn't thought about.

  4. Just plain hot out there today which doesn't put me in the mind to make soup but a front is coming in tonight that will send us into the 30s a couple of nights. Pecan tree leaves are now starting to drift down.

    1. Soup thoughts might follow that cold front. Nicole just showed up here, drenching down.

  5. Starting to get a little cooler here, i.e., less hot. Soup may be in my future!

  6. It's cold here in the mountains of So. California and I'm loving it. I'm sure I would love some of your soup as well. Islamic art is so intricate and delicate, yet very powerful.

    1. I certainly wish I could bring you soup, Inger, but I believe someone is who's closer than I am.

  7. I am a frequent visitor to many of those procrastination destinations! I need to take stock out of the freezer, our mild weather is gone. It's November in Minnesota.

  8. The handle on your soup mug initially looked like a marshmallow and I was mightily confused at your latest concoction!
    I wish it was soup weather here. It's more salad weather now.

    1. I just looked again and it does look like a marshmallow!

  9. I live on the Isle of Good Intentions.

    Definitely soup weather here! I'm just back from a snow hike with Rowan, wrapped in a bathrobe and sipping a cup of cocoa. Hope you don't get too drenched by Nicole.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Wait who was wrapped in a bathrobe?? Oh, wait, I read it more slowly. I can't yet imagine snow. But we sometimes get little to none before January.

    2. Oops...eats shoots and leaves bites again! We too rarely get early snow - had to get out and revel in it :-)

  10. Still raining here. Lentil soup tonight.

  11. Woke up to the dreaded snow this morning and have been reading the reports of the idiots who don't remember how to drive in it and wonder why they're perched on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. Soup is definitely in the offing for supper tonight!

    1. Snow already? For us that would be very early, though a bit north of here it's in the forecast.


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