Thursday, September 9, 2021

Insects, beaded figure, spinning, and chimneys

A mixed day yesterday and today. The good news is that the overnight rain didn't cause flooding at least not right here, and the chimney people finally came 

Yesterday was beautiful, the sedum Autumn Joy in bloom and a major traffic jam of insects, darting about, dive bombing each other and making me refer to my Little Golden insect Guide. 

Since some people are a bit squicked out by insects, I'll omit the ones I was seeing, and just show you favorites. The book also has a big section on butterflies where I got engrossed for a while.

Meanwhile, back at the sedum, there was a potter wasp, too fast for pictures,very sharp black and white striped suit, various bees, honey, humble, carpenter, large and tiny, all kinds of little brown butterflies, just a busy parade before the rain. 

I notice that insects have the names of trades: potter, carpenter, and I'm wondering if there are more. The large bee you see was repeatedly thumped by small insects which he totally disregarded, letting them bounce off.

And the flowers whose name I can never remember, are just as beautiful with petals gone, the architecture still there.

Then finally I was up for some doll making, and the beaded head now has a body, with sculpted arms.  I have some interesting ideas about the rest of the figure, involving a purse. I'll show you when I get there.

Meanwhile here's why the sculpted arms, so the figure is two sided.

And since I was starting to get clumsy, my fingers working only so long, I switched to a bit of spinning, first in a while.

I dropped the spindle and the part of the shaft where the hook is cracked off.  I taped it and continued and it seems to be working okay. This is a small spindle I haven't used a lot, and maybe the wood is dry from disuse. No oils from roving and hands have got on it 

This silk merino is supposed to be for me to learn the supported spindle, but I wasn't up for learning anything new yesterday. Breaking one spindle wasn't a great start, so I'll learn new stuff another day. 

Meanwhile I may knit the figure a beaded top, using the yarn I'm spinning. It's lace weight so it should work proportionally.

Speaking of learning, great story out of Idaho yesterday. Our blogista Chris swears it wasn't her story, but you be the judge!

My chimney sweep story was as undramatic as hoped. He said oh, ah, when I showed him the dryer, inspected the chimney, no need to clean, wrote up the paperwork explaining dryer did not need vent cleaning since it didn't use one. 

Did not do the feared drama at all. Friend never showed up, so that was okay anyway.

So far so good. Let's hope the HOA either doesn't register the difference, or just checks off the done column in my account.

Meanwhile, don't have a cow in Wal-Mart!


  1. I wish there was a picture of the woman who came to wrangle her cow home. She sounds like a strong and sturdy woman!
    You're staying busy as always. Beaded woman looks great! And your spinning- so interesting!

  2. Un-drama is just what's needed these days; glad the chimney/dryer inspection is behind you. That Walmart cow, though, gave a lot of folks some feel-good drama, and me a good laugh!

    Chris from Boise

  3. That cow is wondering if the carts have been sanitized.

  4. The cow looks perplexed by the fancy coral doings. I can almost hear her hoping that she won't be there all day. lol
    Doll looks ready for an autumn sweater.

  5. Well, it that posting isn't a fine example of poor pronoun reference.

  6. The beaded doll and arms look good! It's also good that you have the dryer taken care of and behind you now. I love the cow in Wal Mart story! I live in a small town and a few people have chickens. We are always getting notices of escaped chickens and most of the time they end up in the Sonic Drive In parking lot where of course people claim they have the freshest chicken.

  7. Love the cow, not a lot of brains in 'em but a lot of entertainment value for sure. And I agree, I wish someone had taken a picture of her owner, riding to the rescue with a baby strapped to her back. Only in Idaho...

  8. I noticed a resemblance to Izzy dolls in the body construction, whether it was intended or not. And love the cow story. Just goes to prove you never know what you're going to see at Wally's World. Very glad the chimney inspection was relatively non-eventful.

    1. The shaping is very much like the Izzy doll, probably one reason I like doing it.
      The cow tale (!) Is definitely a keeper. She's looking around as if to say I only stopped in to pick up a couple of things, don't need all these carts.

  9. Insects of all types have their good uses - well except for fire ants. Fire ants are a spawn of hell. I don't mind most of the bug world. Without many we'd have no pollination. The Beaded One is looking very interesting.


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