Saturday, March 1, 2025

White Rabbits, Happy St David's Day

 Let's breathe today and enjoy a little.

Edith Holden's Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.

The daffodil and the leek are Welsh symbols for the day, dating back centuries. I'm a multiBrit by birth, grandparents from all four nations. English Irish Scottish Welsh. In alphabetical order, in case you wondered. So I get to celebrate everything. Just sayin.

For a lovely cheering few minutes, join Ant White on YouTube as he builds a hedgehog house

Here's the concrete bunny for White Rabbits

And another old friend, both seen on today's walk

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Cheese is the answer to a lot of questions.


  1. My new header has the plate with some of the details from your Edith Holden page.
    Happy St David's day!

  2. White Rabbits! Thank you for a peaceful post today. Blue skies for your walk, and I want to go to Cheese World too!

    Chris from Boise

    1. It was a short walk, but lovely sunshine in the 50s. There were a lot of downed branches from recent winds, so it was a bit of an obstacle course, nice nonetheless.

  3. I was out for an errand. I smiled all the while and got a lot of smiles back. I felt like I offered some light. AND... I bought cheese!

  4. I agree: cheese is frequently the answer.


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