Thursday, March 6, 2025

Pleats, and nearer home

 Isn't this lovely? I thought pleats were a modern idea, but no. This picture is for everyone who has measured, pleated, repleated and ended up using a table fork to create pleats. Interestingly, called knife pleats. There are box pleats and kick pleats, too, a world of them.  

In a world of chaos, think pleating. 

Are you interested in another organ recital, aka health and related update? If not, I'm telling you anyway!

Yesterday I got the doctor and pharmacy on the same page, a replacement rx happened and will be shipped in the next few days. They had said overnight, then it became few days. As long as it arrives, fine.

Lovely Emil the PT came for our first session, assessment, safety check, everything. He strongly advised me to schedule the surgery, while it's not an emergency, approved a lot of the safety features in the house, said the sofa must be raised, did a range of motion series, taught me some exercises for better strength ready for surgery showed me pictures of his kids and dogs, and will be back on Friday.   He'll check if any of his students are interested in picking up hours with me after surgery. He's a full service PT!

Then I had my contractor artist friend from across the street come over and figure out a way to raise the sofa.  He'll organize something that works. Then I'll be able to sit on it after surgery. He installed all the grab bars years ago, after studying the ADA requirements to be sure he did it right. 

So a few things went well, and there was Chocolonely chocolate I'd forgotten about in the fridge. I must really have been distracted. 

Monday I have an appointment with the surgeon to schedule the replacement surgery. This is all moving fast. 

Self care will continue!

Happy day everyone, OMF! Own Mask First. Ted sez.


  1. OH, I hope he can find someone to come after the surgery! And what a great neighbor!! Things are moving along quite quickly. So glad to hear such good progress on all the prep stuff needed. :)

  2. You must be distracted to forget about chocolate. 😊

    1. That's what I thought. Must have been more worried than I realized.

  3. I'm glad you have these people coming in to take care of you. It will make all the difference with your recovery. That's the perfect way to get ready for surgery.

  4. Good to hear that things are progressing. Much as you don't relish the idea of surgery, the outcome will be worth it.

  5. My ancient Singer has a pleating apparatus which I have never touched except to move it out of the way. I've never made a pleat in my life. I doubt I ever will.
    Hurray for getting things squared away! Get that surgery over and move into the next phase of life pain free. That's what I say. Ted agrees.

    1. I wonder how many people ever use the sewing machine tool. I've always done them by hand. And yes, forward. Bit tired today.

  6. That sounds like an excellent pt visit. Very interesting about the sofa needing to be raised. I never thought of that.

    1. That's one advantage of home based care. I'd never have known either, if Emil hadn't observed it.


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