Sunday, March 2, 2025

Knit for calm, and stresses.

This was yesterday's output as I listened to an Agatha Christie espionage audiobook 

Glove one of the current pair for the knitting ministry.

And at this age when you get a call from someone you haven't been in touch with for years, you know ahead of time it's because yet another old friend has gone. Yesterday about noon I got the call. I let it go to voicemail, not feeling strong enough for a conversation.

Turned out H, from the embroiderers' guild, had died a month ago, they'd forgotten to let me know -- no local notices because she'd moved away -- but there was a memorial service in two hours' time, could I make it.  

I also received an email asking if I had any pictures from when I ran the embroiderers' guild blog, to send. So I picked this holiday party pic I'd taken in 2013, with the person front and center, wearing blue.

If the recipient could print it out and add it to the display, I thought people might enjoy picking out friends, and themselves, from a while ago, since the event was about memories. I don't do events like this memorial in person, especially in flu season, but I did my bit. And the members tend to stay many years, so I expect those who made it to the event will have been in the picture.

Tomorrow I see the orthopedic doctor, and handsome Son is kindly driving me, for which I'm thankful. He had to rearrange his week, which meant his manager had to reorganize the shift schedule, which meant that someone else had to accommodate the change, too, quite an upheaval, for which I sent my thanks.  I'm very nervous about this appointment and needed some support.

The Miss Austen TV miniseries was so good, sad, but so well acted, all the stresses of women forced into dependency shown and dealt with. The main characters, particularly Isabella and her sisters, were brilliantly acted. It's definitely a must see. Women trying to make a life from meager resources and opportunities, despite their great talents. It's all so familiar.

Yesterday's cute winter boots: I messaged my senators and Rep asking them to run online Town Halls instead of attending the SOTU (State of the Union, official address by current president to full Congress and supreme court justices). 

There's disagreement about this idea, but I think it's better not to give the dictator an audience.  The tradition is to run the event live on all broadcast media, no need for my elected officials to be seen there, too, by the watching public. 

Happy day everyone. I'm trying to find good ideas and thoughts, but today's a struggle. Especially since the USPS tracker claims my vital rx was delivered to my step yesterday. It's not there, nor in the mailbox. Nor on the steps right and left of mine. I wonder if it's been left on the wrong step. I've screenshot the tracker report and I guess I'll ask tomorrow at the po.  


  1. That's concerning about your Rx. I hope it isn't lost and arrives pronto. Good luck at the doc. I'm so glad your son is going with you. I'll be watching a Timothy Snyder webinar on resistance through Red Wine and Blue on Tuesday. That other despicable human is not getting a second of my viewing time.

    1. Yes, a concern I didn't need! Good to have other business instead of the SOTU

  2. Good luck with tomorrow's appointment at the orthopedic doctor. And I hope that Rx shows up!

  3. This sounds like a big bowl of stressful stuff to have to deal with at one time. I'm sorry. I understand.
    I really hope that the appointment with the orthopedic doctor goes okay.

    1. Quite a crowded weekend one way and another.

  4. Doesn't it seem like the stressors come in bunches. I'm so sorry about all of it but am very glad that HS was able to get things rearranged so he could accompany you. Sometimes bosses aren't so happy about the extra effort required to do so. I know my former boss wouldn't have. I had to miss the funeral of one of my best friends because he refused to give me the time off.
    Hope your RX shows up and that you have a good outcome at the doctor.

    1. Yes, I was happy that his boss worked it out. I don't ask Handsome Son for much time, and it was nice he arranged it.
      I'm nervous about both things, but hopeful that it will go well.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s not easy losing friends one at a time like that.
    I hope the appointment goes well and you find that package

    1. Nowadays there are so many deaths of friends. It feels like a lot today.

  6. If appointments are in the city, I ask for a drive too. I could do it, but I really don't want to.

    1. This one isn't far, but I'm so anxious I needed the company, too.

  7. It's nice that H really stands out in the photo. You never know how important a photo might be when you snap away.
    Good luck with the appointment.

    1. I think she was president then. She founded the chapter, anyway, so she always got recognition.


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