Monday, March 10, 2025

Good enough for gummint work and other thoughts

I finally got around to some sock darning and even found a scrap of matching yarn to do it with.  Just a workaday darn, nothing fancy today.

As they say, gefgw 

And now they're in action again 

The darn is under the foot, so you don't see it in use 

I finally made the red lentil flatbread for lunch with sardines in olive oil. 

This worked better than doing it yesterday as originally planned, because I soaked the lentils overnight, one part lentils to two parts water.  This causes it to ferment and work better.

Then I blended it all, using the soaking water, to a creamy consistency, pinch of pink salt. I used olive oil from the sardines to cook it, and it was fine. 

You need several minutes per side, a bit longer than pancakes. 

Today I'm awaiting some handy workaround tools to use when Hippolyta, the hip formerly known as Helen, is in place, including a hopeful request on Freecycle. I probably need to practice using everything.

Tomorrow I hope to have a date of surgery to plan on.

Happy day, if possible!


  1. They’re like brand new.
    I hope you get surgery soon and heal quickly

    1. Thank you. Most of my socks wear out under the foot, so you can't see the repair, good thing.

  2. Those lentil pancakes were a revelation when I learned how to make them. We make them thin like crepes and use them as wraps (rolled up sarnies).

    1. That was funny -- wrap is a common term here, and I had to look up sarnie!

  3. The red lentil flatbread would be a treat. You can keep the sardines in oil.

    1. I think sardines are a niche taste! Come to think of it, maybe red lentil flatbread is, too!


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