Tuesday, March 11, 2025

More news and sunshine through glass

This morning's sun caught two glass pitchers, projecting the light from the cobalt pitcher onto the Jersey Lilypad, and the decorative trails of the other onto the wall. 

Just for a few minutes. 

The day was yet another thrills and spills day around here, where did my quiet life go..

Many texts from various parties, and a call from the cardio offering an evaluation at 6.30 am, not a typo, in early April. I took it. I think he crammed me in before his regular day which has probably been booked for months. HS will drive me, since I may be very tired after. 

Then lunch and physical therapy and walker learning. Then ice and attempt to rest which brain declined to do, despite eyes complaining they were shutting anyway.

Handsome Son came over, and it was warm enough that we were able to sit on the patio for tea and cookies and getting caught up. He will take my car in for NJ required inspection next week, and will get used to driving it because it will be easier for me to get into than his, coming home after surgery.  His is sportier, low down and hard for me to get in and out of.

After getting updated, he took my car off for a test drive, liked it,  and was only concerned about pairing his mpr player with the speakers! Different folks, different priorities.

This is a gradual moving it over to him while I'm still driving. Meanwhile he'll arrange at his work about time off for my surgery date. We're thinking a day or two off,  then he can move into the spare room but go into work as usual. That way I think will be manageable. Anyway that's the plan.

And while he was out I seized the day and caught part of Textiles and Tea,  Harris tweed weaver Rebecca Hutton, renowned Harris weaver and Gaelic speaker, knowledgeable about her culture, and sought after for those studio tours, or pilgrimages, done by textile artists

She explained all the intricate legal requirements for labeling a weaving as real Harris tweed. She lives on the island of Harris, one of the western isles of Scotland, and points out how the ever-changing colors of the landscape are reflected in the yarn from which the tweed is woven.

Here's where she lives

And here's her traditional human powered loom, no machine driven weaving can qualify as the real Harris tweed

The prized genuine logo

Some of her work

She's showing a pattern tool, involving the use of two simultaneous shuttles

And here's a sample of her herringbone pattern, full of the subtleties of color found in the real Harris yarn.

This is all I fitted in, but look her up. Aside from knowledgeable and gifted, she's also very funny.

So this was a day of getting things done.

Happy day, everyone, and I hope you had sunshine, real or emotional.

1 comment:

  1. I Scottish photographer whom I used to follow moved to Harris not too long ago. I say "used to" because I have been taking a break from photo videos. But I may get back to them.


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