Friday, March 21, 2025

Shredding and Misfits

When Handsome Son took my car through inspection yesterday, he had to find the documents in the glove compartment. Insurance certificate and registration.

This is not one of the neater parts of my life. Each time I get an updated document I toss it into the bag of them in the glove c. So you have to sift through, squinting at the tiny dates to find the most recent, while the police officer who just stopped you sighs and shifts from foot to foot.

Anyway when HS son got home, he said oh, I did a bit of clearing up. And dumped a lot of old documents in the table. Not that his own car is a model of clean and neat, but I digress. What a reversal -- a son tidying up after a mom.

So a lengthy search for the shredder ensued, and I eventually realized that the thing I kept moving out of the way while I searched for it was um, the shredder.  Not too sharp right now.

My inner artist immediately went to oh, I can use these strips to weave something, while my inner tired person went to no, I don't think so.

Haleem arrived early today, so I missed the official arrival of the Misfits pink van.

You'll note the chocolate covered cherries hiding on the left,  vital nutrition. And tuna will feature in tuna salad,  also some pasta idea, beautiful brown eggs, shrimp which I haven't decided how to use yet. 

Cheese because it's a staple around here, strawberries and yogurt desserts, sliced bread to save energy just now and make good sandwiches. Coffee supplies just in time, and this time I ordered ground, not beans. Avocado oil which I seem to get through fast.

And I'm all set for some easy cooking. I can't remember the last time I shopped at a grocery store. That seems too strenuous.

And the last stage, as the fruit is resting in water a while 

Box broken down and tied with string, ready to recycle.

Happy day everyone, back to my exercises today, using hand weights and trying to remember what my scribbled exercise notes mean. 

Try to read your notes on life, it helps. As does a call like one I got from the doctor who ordered the parathyroid test telling me one reading is high but not after all an issue. Yay.


  1. The minute I saw the shreddings photo, I wondered what you would end up using them for.

  2. Shredding outdated paperwork is very satisfying.

  3. That looks like a very good Misfits! I have to revisit my glove box too. I have a feeling we are kindred spirits there and need a Handsome Son to set us straight on it!

    1. I don't know how much longer I'd have left it without an intervention!

  4. We can barely close our glove compartment.

  5. Chocolate covered cherries. Get in my belly.

  6. Chocolate covered cherries are the very Staff of Life!

    1. So nutritious, too. Think of the iron content..or something.

  7. I had better check my glove box! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. I think the glove box is the auto equivalent of the kitchen junk drawer.

  8. Good news about the test not being alarming. One less thing for you to deal with.
    Ordering easy to prep items is a good thing right now and no doubt for the near future too. I try very hard not to grocery shop in person (thank goodness for curb side pickup) but we do go to one store when we need certain items. At least it's never crowded so we can get in and out quickly.
    You'll have to make a trip out to the car to admire your sparkly clean glovebox.

    1. I think easy food is the order of the day right now. I probably won't recognize the glove box -- I'll think I'm in the wrong car.

  9. Yes. I suppose sometimes it's best to just let the shredded documents go...
    Glad the doctor called about the parathyroid thing. You do not need that right now. HS is definitely taking care of his mama. I like that in a son.

    1. This is the doctor who misdiagnosed the hip, which she explained when I saw her. It's apparently vanishingly rare when pain where I had it, at the side, is not bursitis. My surgeon agreed. Anyway she made this call herself, which I appreciated.

  10. Back when I had a car I kept adding the new paperwork into the glovebox, too--lol!
    When Dagan was little (well, until his surgeries he had when he was 12) I had to walk very slowly to walk alongside him. We joke about who would have ever thought he would have to slow down now to walk alongside of me--lol! :)

    1. That kind of reversal happens later, like my son tutting at the mess in the glovebox and tidying! I'm glad Dagan did so well.

  11. I also now want chocolate covered cherries! HS is a standup guy. After covid I haven't gone to a grocery store, either. I got used to order and pick up. What little we need from another store Mark buys. Good news on your test.

    1. Just seeing the bag makes chocolate cherries an urgent need. HS is definitely coming through for me.

  12. You deserve some treats. Enjoy the cherries and happy Friday!

  13. Tuna, eggs, chocolate (bitter), strawberries (or other berries), coffee - are my essentials too.

    1. Duta! I was just thinking about you and hoping all's as well as it can be at this point with you.
      You and I see eye to eye on food choices, I see.

  14. When I rarely clean out my glove compartment I am always shocked with all that it holds!

    1. Amazing the stuff you find. The discoveries were more interesting when HS was small. You never knew what you might find then.

  15. Weaving with the shredded paper is a great idea although I would be clueless as to what to do with it.

    1. Stick around, I may find samples somewhere..

  16. 'Not an issue' is always great to hear. Glad to hear that we're not the only ones with a glovebox full of unnecessary past information. I guess when you have a handsome son like yours, that also becomes 'not an issue'.

  17. I get told off for the state of my car frequently. My excuse. I’m clean and organised in the home. I need to let go occasionally so the car is it
    Do you have a animal rescue near by. I’m sure they would love the shredded paper to use in their pens.

    1. Interesting idea about the shredded paper. And the reasoning about the car!

  18. HS is really there for you. Good job raising a good 'kid'.

    Excellent news on the parathyroid. One less thing on your over-full plate. Glad you're exercising and doing PT. Being in shape pre-surgery will immensely help recovery.

    Belated thanks as well for the very spring-y card yesterday! Another vernal equinox to appreciate, and your daffodils just in time.

    Chris from Boise (no owls yet tonight)

    1. Yes, being in shape should pay dividends. At least that's my plan. I do love daffodil time.

  19. You sure are in the middle of things right now, aren't you? About the food, though -- I love tunafish, especially made with vegan mayo. I put some in a little glass dish and scoop chunks of up very snappy, seeded crackers. Feels like a fancy meal, just for me! But it's only tunafish from a tin can. Presentation and mindset can take me miles!

    1. Yes, exactly right. You start to enjoy by looking first. I always do a nice presentation just for me.

  20. I love how you looked at those shreddings and saw a potential craft project!

    1. My energy level wasn't quite up to it but I've done quite a bit of weaving with shredder strips. This one slightly serrates the edges which makes it easier.


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