Saturday, January 9, 2021

Pinova apples, butternut squash and future planning

Tonight's supper, to some a side dish, to me a complete meal.  Butternut squash, two Pinova apples, which are great cooked or eaten raw.

Last night I roasted potatoes, to make egg n chips, and I had a rush of brains to the head and realized that since I was putting in potatoes for 30 minutes at 400F I may as well put the butternut squash in its own dish, in there too, to get tender for use today.

So here's the debris as I cube the squash and the apples, ready to saute in olive oil and butter.  I seasoned with nutmeg, cinnamon, cubes of fresh ginger, salt on the squash.

And here you see evidence of even more planning, since half the contents are for tomorrow's carrot, cashew soup, now to be c and c and s and a soup.

Meanwhile, tonight's supper is sauteing merrily, and smelling very nice. When the apples are tender, the squash already being pretty tender, it was ready.

 And so was I. Tomorrow I'll make the cashew etc soup, and hope it will require fewer tools than tonight's supper.  Also less cleanup, this one involving a mopping up operation because when I took out the carrots, I forgot they were in cold water, a way to keep them crisp in the fridge, and ended up with it all over da place.

The cashews are now soaking, so I'm really prepped for making soup tomorrow. And it's Misfits choice day, where I go to the website and pick out next week's produce box.


  1. Yum! Main dish here, too - though I might sprinkle on a bit of feta cheese and walnut, if I had them on hand. Good planning ahead on the oven.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Though I tend to add walnuts to practically anything, I didn't here. But I'm making a note. Not so sure about feta here, though I like it. But if I ever have any I'll think about doing that, too.

  2. I don't think I've ever tasted a Pinova apple.

    1. Neither had I till I found them at Misfits.

  3. You've inspired me to at least go look at the Misfits website. We eat a lot of our own produce so I'm not ready to pull the trigger on ordering but your boxes and how they inspire you to make different meals really registers as such a good thing.

    1. I your zone you have such a long growing season it's less urgent to shop for produce. Here in the northeast the harvesting is done by November, no more produce till asparagus in April. So I have to buy somewhere.

      Yes, the ordering and receiving triggers ideas, true.

  4. You do a great job with the photos with your food prep. Any I’ve done have been terrible.

    1. It's easier when the food is brightly colored!

  5. Great looking food
    Thank you for the good idea. I'm going to use squash and potatoes for
    turkey sage dressing instead of bread. I have no idea how it will turn out, but it will be fun trying.

  6. I made the cauliflower soup finally yesterday, added a green salad and the husband made (cooked) biscuits. made for a good dinner. we'll have some tonight as a side and whatever is left goes in the freezer.

    1. That's a dinner I approve! Good to have two cooks at work.

  7. Planning ahead is always a good thing - saves wear and tear on the cook if nothing else. Can't go wrong with squash and apples (they're good combined too!).

    1. I've decided to rescind the total ban on squash just as far as butternut, which is good.


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