Friday, January 29, 2021

Hot biscuits for a cold day

 These are one half ap flour, one quarter oats, one quarter pastry flour, with walnuts and golden raisins. 

Good for winter afternoon tea. Especially with cranberry jam.

Update on the second pizza. I took it out of the freezer about an hour before needed, and did the final covered cooking. 

The crust was crisp and very good, especially  considering it had been partly baked then frozen and thawed. The fillings were fine. So if you try it, you know you can freeze the second one successfully. It was as good as the first one.

I suddenly remembered a long gone dear neighbor, out of nowhere, you know how that happens. Just brushing my teeth and thought of her this morning. Or rather an expression she invented.

Dot was a post office worker in our tiny local office for many years, and I remembered her explaining patiently about various post office things. My favorite was when she would say, you pay this up front, then later you'll be reinversed. Conjures up interesting visuals.

My Mom had a couple of great ones, such as: she suddenly sat up boltright!  Or my friend after her first visit to Paris saying she tried hard to use her French to talk to the Parishioners.

These malapropisms are funny, and dear, and not entirely inaccurate.  And they're a gentle memory of people who've gone.


  1. My mother-in-law was full of malapropisms. I was charmed by them. She had a lot of old-fashioned sayings, too. She told me once that her doctor knew her from "A to Izzard." I really couldn't figure that one out but I knew what she meant.

    1. That's the thing. You always know what's meant. That's the charm of it.

  2. Hey, I made biscuits today too for my brunch! I made cheese drop biscuits. So yummy warm with raspberry jam.

    My favourite malapropism (or perhaps mixed metaphor) is to "take the bull by the tail and look him straight in the eye."

  3. Smiling here. Fond memories indeed.

  4. One of my friends, after spending time with me, goes home and tries out the expressions on her husband and he always knows where they came from. I honestly don't think I use that many but apparently I do. Comes from growing up on a farm I expect.


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