Thursday, January 7, 2021

Celebration pizza, comfort food pizza

 Yesterday, after a restless night of worrying about the outcome in Georgia, and waking to the good news that the Senate is turned, and two iconic people will be the Democratic senators from Georgia, I thought a nice celebration veggie pizza would fit the bill.

So I made the dough, only this time instead of all wholewheat, I included some pastry flour with the baking soda and yogurt.  This was a good idea, very good crisp dough.  The only thing is that the recipe may have been mistaken in the amount of flour.  It was way too wet, impossible to knead, and I added more and more flour until it made a good dough.  Then I thought maybe resting it would be good, too.

Meanwhile, the new phone rang, while I had my hands in dough, and I let it go to voicemail, then tried to access it.  This is when I decided to rest the dough.  Voicemail would not work.  Would not load, Help function just shrugged and said, we dunno, we only work here, talk to your carrier.  Ah. I realized I had to set up the voicemail from scratch, and Googled on my question, adrenalin a bit charged up, didn't need any further excitement.

And found the code I needed to enter, and I had my password already noted on the old phone, which carried over, to my amazement.  And I got into the voicemail and retrieved the, not very important after all, message. So that was good.

And the pizza was, too.  Seen here as it bubbles up in the pan, first side cooking.

Then you turn it over, and add in the toppings, cover it and cook another few minutes till the cheese melts.  I had mushrooms, which I'd cooked earlier in butter and oil, scallions, broccoli.  The tomato base, since I had no sauce nor makings, was ketchup cut with tomato paste, and worked fine.

 So here's the celebration lunch,which was before the riots and the afternoon of terror started at the Capitol

And since the recipe made enough dough for two small pizzas, there's another one for next time I would like pizza

Which has now become comfort food for today, to digest all that happened yesterday, from heaven to hell in a few hours.  And maybe struggling back again, since the count was done, despite the best efforts at disrupting it, and the constitution prevailed.

I'm hoping for a lot of arrests including investigation of the Capitol police force who clearly aided the rioters in getting into the buildings.  They were part of the plan.

That was the most upsetting part of the whole day to me, that the supposedly closely guarded buildings, where the general public is called out for literally standing too close to something, suddenly it's open house, and armed rioters are invited in to where our entire unarmed government is sitting in conference.

I hope Merritt Garland will bring charges and investigate.  Now that Biden's picks will most probably prevail, we can count on a few more things being taken care of. I hear that the cabinet had a meeting yesterday and the question of the 25th Amendment came up.

For people not familiar, it's the amendment to the constitution which allows for the removal of a President shown not fit to be in office, physically or mentally. It takes some doing, but I hope we do it. Fast.


  1. I love your comfort food. It looks so delicious!

    We were shocked and saddened as we watched yesterday. I feel for the American people.

    1. Thank you. We can't complain life's dull around here.

  2. It's time, way, way past time, for our lawmakers to rid us of this insanity.

    1. They're starting to turn on him. Now that it's safe because he's nearly out of office. Profiles in courage, not.

    2. They were all scared of him. Now they think its safe, but they haven't heard the last of Trump. IMHO.

  3. I think there needs to be a lot of comfort food over the next while. Yesterday went from a high to one of the lowest lows I think anybody has ever seen, at least politically. I heard last night that Twitter (finally!) has suspended his ability to post, at least for a short time. They should have done that four years ago. I truly hope saner heads prevail and they can invoke the 25th and get him out of there - even if they only do it in order to prevent him from running again in 4 years. My fear though is that if HE doesn't run one of his kids will and they're just as looney. I simply can't understand the American people who support him and continue to, despite more than ample proof that he's a menace. Sure gives you a much better understanding of how/why Hitler achieved such control over the people.

    1. He has brought out a whole section of American society that a lot of us had never met. He capitalized on their attitudes. Now we know they've always been there.

    2. How true - and I'm very much afraid that now they've been let loose it will be nigh onto impossible to quiet them.

  4. Your pizza looks good - I may have to make one myself! I never figured out why Twitter, Facebook, et al hadn't shut down trumps accounts 2 years ago. I just hope someone gets a grip on that man and holds him in check for a good long time.

    1. It made them a lot of money. And attracted deep pocket investors --right wingers, and advertisers. Now he's almost a hasbeen they can afford to dump him. For the social media owners it's all about $$.

  5. What a terrible day it was in the USA yesterday, I didnt know what was going on until I watched the TV news. I had heard earlier about the two wins in Georgia and that made me very happy, but the afternoon was shocking! An angry mob being encouraged to invade and destroy democracy by that evil man. Are all those people mentally deficient?

  6. it's not over. regardless of what happens to Trump, impeachment or 25th amendment or just letting him stay to the bitter end but hopefully without power to do anything, there is another attack planned for the inauguration. they are quite open about it on the right wing social media sites.

    and excellent looking pizza. we make our own here but not the dough.

    1. You're right. I only hope the inauguration takes place in an undiscovered location. Even when trump's gone, those terrorists will still be active. He was just a trigger mechanism, not their leader.

    2. Not undiscovered! that would be some trick. I meant undisclosed but damn illiterate predictive text disagreed with me.

  7. Skillet pizza! What a great idea! I'm going to have to try this soon.


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