Wednesday, January 20, 2021

All ready for noon

 The glass bell is ready to ring once the Biden Harris administration has safely begun.

Ring out evil, ring in better days. 


  1. Replies
    1. The glass bell also means the three glass ceilings Kamala shattered. National office. Female. Woman of color. Thank you all the women who made the earlier cracks in the glass.

    2. Did you know she went to school in Canada.

    3. I just looked that up because I didn't know. Thank you.

  2. Another day spent glued to the tv and am hugely relieved that the inauguration seemingly went off without any undue drama (beyond a slammed porta-potty door that scared the wits out of a few people). Now we see how the universe unfolds over the next while. Not a job I envy anyone.

  3. Celebration time. It really is.

  4. I put my flag out as soon as they were sworn in.

  5. We're flying the flag too. Hallelujah!

    Chris from Boise

  6. Right On! As we used to say, back in the day.


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