Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Great Day in the Morning! Exhaling finally.

 This is all we need to say today:


Yes, it's Stacey Abrams, who masterminded the voter registration and getting to the polls yesterday, to save the entire Senate.  She was suppressed out of a Senate seat last time around, so guess what, she came back and took the whole thing!

She's also written some great suspense/romance novels under her nom de plume.  But all in all, she's once again proving that Black women will save us all.

The players on the Atlanta Dream women's basketball team, who were early supporters of Warnock in direct opposition to their team owner, Kelly Loeffler, yes, the loser last night, who bitterly criticized their daring to support Black Lives Matter. 

 Abrams' brilliant organizing skills, and all the canvassers and supporters who went door to door, after they found that a lot of people didn't realize there was a runoff, and got many thousands more of them to vote. 

And now we've taken back the Senate, both Georgia senators now Democrats.  One a Black man, pastor of Martin Luther King's old church, and Ossoff, a Jew, both defeating the white supremacist opposition.  Ossoff so scared Perdue he failed to show up after the first debate.  Fast thinker on his feet, when Fox approached him last week for a quick word, he instantly stood in speech making mode, gave a fabulous two minute address and thanked Fox (!) viewers for listening!  Not exactly what the gotcha interviewer was looking for.  Warnock, a Black senator from a once segregated state.  

These are people we need. And if we needed more, if there's a tied vote in the Senate , a Black woman Vice President will cast the deciding vote.

Sweet day.  I woke up very early, checked the news, then couldn't sleep again.

So what with Monday, phone all set up, yay me, Tuesday, car all set up, new battery of course, as we expected, yay again, car is very happy now, and last night.

I think I have to lie down now.  But first I'm making a veggie pizza.  Mushrooms, scallions, broccoli, on that pizza dough I made a while back and liked a lot.  Made with yogurt and flour mainly.

Still exhaling, and checking to be sure.  


  1. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm rejoicing right along with you even tho' I'm not in the US. Great news indeed!

  2. I am glad the voting is over with! I have the feeling congress will get more done because folks are watching.

  3. It is astonishing to read there is a large rally of Republicans in Washington wanting to overturn the election result. What America gets comes here to the UK before too long.

  4. The votes were still being counted (Ossoff) when I got up this morning. It's wonderful news. Well done Georgia and all those who helped make it happen!

  5. I'm so teary-eyed. This is beyond beautiful. Stacey Abrams- what a woman. She has changed the world.


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