Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Inaugural jam and hot biscuits

Also known as displacement activity.  So anxious about the safety of the inauguration tomorrow, despite the beauty of the 250,000 flags on the Mall to symbolize the people who would be there, and the memorial ceremony this evening for the Covid dead,  that I've been jolting about doing this and that.

Returns to the library, errand to get a power strip, for reasons too complicated to go into, then home and rapid spinning, very productive from that viewpoint.  Then rapid exercise with scarves flying about like rockets. You'll know how desperate I got when I tell you I did the rough draft of my taxes.  Found all the records, receipts, the lot.  Downloaded and printed out  forms.

Then I thought why not turn to something more soothing, and make some sort of comfort food for inaugural snacking purposes?  Some very American stuff.  So here are the golden raisin hot biscuits and cranberry jam that resulted.

 It's jam, not sauce, because I upped the sugar level, added lemon juice and boiled it for much longer than usual, to get a good gel.

 So here are the results.  I just hope the day goes off well tomorrow and we will be able to say once again Morning in America.


  1. Displacement activities here in Boise, too - not as productive as yours. The cranberry jam is beautiful! My hopes for tomorrow echo yours.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Since I wrote this I've sampled a biscuit with the jam, gosh it's good. Like the cranberry version of marmalade, a bit tart, a bit sweet excellent breakfast jam.

      Great hopes, once I dare exhale.

    2. The ceremony was this evening not morning.

  2. Mmm, warm biscuits and jam . . . email me some, willya?

  3. I am making inaugural soup (carrot, yam, ginger, garlic) and french bread. I will watch it on the telly today.

  4. Good morning! It is a beautiful day!

  5. Mmmm.....cranberry jam. Now that's something I want to try making! I love cranberries in any form so I know I'd like it.
    Seeing all those flags is an impressive sight. Certainly a good alternative to having tons of people there causing who knows what kind of havoc.


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