Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving, the prequel

It's official. Chez Boud, Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Tuesday, since that's the day Handsome Son is free. 

He's doing the shopping as usual, so we simplified things. He has asiago cheese and bread sticks to start. Then heat and eat ready cooked food, his choice, I won't know till I see him, and ginger ale.

I've made the the pomegranate juice to serve in Fancy Glasses and the dessert giant cookie. There will be tea, too, he being a tea drinker, true to his roots. I'll haul out the red cloth and the white cloth to go over it, and the cheeseboard, and I'll polish up the best wine glasses, all the doings.

It will be wonderful. Cleaners coming Monday, great timing, so even the house will be ready. 

And, since we're early with our celebration, I'm getting in early with my thankfulness.

We're both keeping well, up to now, solvent, housed, know where our next meal is coming from.

 His main job, food store, is unaffected, essential worker, though requiring high level of precaution. His part time gig, once his full-time job, is in software, so it's online anyway, continues as usual.

I'm old but keeping well, very capable of living alone and enjoying it, a blessing during a time like this.

Our work to eject the present administration has been successful. Rocks ahead, but not the despair we were feeling just a few weeks ago.

I'm thankful for faithful friends who haven't fallen away when things are tough, neighbors who are fun to be around.

And I'm thankful, too, for the readers of my blogs, long distance friends,  who take part with energy, commenting, advising, suggesting books, emailing me with their own pictures and even sending me things they know I'll like and use. You can't know how much it means to have your friendship and know you're reading here.

Such generosity of support over the twelve years I've been blogging and recording some major and dramatic events in my household. Also some funny ones, where I did not cut a dignified figure, but oh well.

Thoughtful and timely gifts that have kept me going. From lint for art use, cashmere combings for spinning, Kool aid for dyeing, books, all kinds of yarn, fabrics, stitching and knitting materials and tools, handmade books, lace, scarves, ecards, and here's the latest, from dear C

She'd followed the flour tortilla adventure, and thought it would be nice for me to make corn tortillas, too.

But since the official masa harina is available in big quantities, she kindly not only measured out enough for a single person's recipe, but handwrote the recipe, and sent it off like a care package! The note will be inserted into my Big Binder right away, for safety. Is this not a gesture to make a person happy? Yes, loudly!

And yes, it's all a two way street, but here I'm talking as recipient.

Then I looked at my plants this morning and saw this bud just beginning on the white primula.

See it down there, right at the base of the leaves, juuuust visible? Hope in plant form.

All in all, plenty to be thankful for, and I am, I so am.

I wish you all a happy week, coming into summertime for some blogreaders, winter for others. Let's find joy even in dark times, if we can.


  1. I could have copied the things you are thankful for and posted on my blog as I'm thankful for the same things. I don't have a good son, or any son, no children, but other than that I agree with all the things you are thankful for. Have a lovely feast on Tuesday.

  2. Lots of things to be grateful for and it sounds like you're going to have a lovely celebration meal with your son. I hope we get pictures.

  3. Grateful always for this blog, and your wonderful spirit of adventure with food and crafts. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you're getting fun from this blog.

  4. all things to be thankful for. and this year especially thankful that the four years of lies and corruption is at an end.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Liz. Hope you had a lovely meal.

    1. Thank you, Marrianne, it was just as good as I'd hoped and then some.


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