Sunday, November 15, 2020

Diwali and tortillas

 Last night was fireworks in the street for Diwali, Feast of lights. No bangs! Just fountains of light and it was lovely. Grown-ups in charge, cars moved away safely, kids kept at a safe distance.

Watched from upstairs, too chilly outside

Houses are decorated with lights all down the street. The Minn. Star Tribune had a silly feature about minnesotans celebrating Christmas early with lights. What do you bet it was Indian houses, celebrating Diwali at the normal time? 
There were similar silly comments on TV networks about Londoners setting off fireworks to celebrate Biden's win. It was the fifth of November, Guy Fawkes Night in fact

Ignorance is bliss, and a source of amusement, too..

In other news, I'm going to try tortillas, since I really like wraps and now I'm off on a wrapaganza

Like this

I'll let you know how it goes. I won't be making this today.
Handsome son is visiting this afternoon to drink tea, eat cornbread with peach plum lime jam, and help me pull pachysandra at the fence line.
Blogger is resisting all my attempts to left align this post. I'm a helpless prawn.


  1. The news here was filled with pleas that people not celebrate Diwali in the normal way due to the virus and it appears that most people changed their normal celebration to something much lower key, but still meaningful. Proving it can be done. Now the question arises - what will happen with Christmas (and the Thanksgiving in your country).

    1. I'm hoping people will calm down, chill, and shelter. But all I can do is take care.

  2. do you have a tortilla press? we used to go to a Mexican restaurant in the old neighborhood in the city before it got too popular and expanded. it was a lovely little place. anyway, they had a machine that churned out tortillas and there was always someone walking around with a basket of fresh warm tortillas visiting the tables.

    1. I have to look it up! That's how new I am to tortillas. I really like the idea of fresh warm tortillas.. but first I have to make them.

  3. Like Ellen, your post brought tortilla presses to my mind. I had one...
    Is it still around? I think so. I've made both flour and corn tortillas before but now I leave it to the commercial bakers. Maybe one day I'll become interested again. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.

  4. Handmade tortilla's are really good but you will need to make them very thin. A press is the best thing to use.

    1. Good advice. I'll see what my trusty rolling pin can manage.

  5. I bet all the dogs in the neighbourhood and their owners appreciated the light without the noise.


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