Friday, November 20, 2020

Misfits day mostly good

 Misfits box arrived today, this morning, several hours earlier than expected. Usually I think I'm the last stop of the day in this area.  Only one minor problem, a dented can, which they're attending to now after I sent them a pathetic picture of it. 

Today, the cornucopia includes a couple of pomegranates, first I've had in years, and I'll have to review how to eat them.  And what looked like more potatoes than I'd ordered, but I can deal with them.

Fnally the mushrooms showed up, so there will be soup in the near future.  And I invested in some more of that Aurora Mills wholewheat flour, this time pastry flour, to see how it goes.  I plan to pickle some of the red cabbage you see there, also some of the red onions. So see what happens to the skins, etc., go to Red veggie future

And here's tonight's salad in the works, celery, carrots, oakleaf lettuce, scallions, sliced dates.  Isn't that a lovely box design for the dates?

Since the box arrived early, this setup had to wait its turn in the wings, and it's now baked and about to emerge.  It's the Giant Cookie, for Thanksgiving.  Since I don't know what day that will be for Handsome Son and me, except certainly not Thursday, I thought I'd better get ahead of things and bake it now.

Like this

It smells excellent. This one I made with Gold Medal flour, less soft than the White Lily I used last time, so we'll see how it works.


  1. I love dates so much that I do not allow myself to buy them. Same with dried pineapple which I do buy when on vacation because...well- vacation. But dates in salads! Yes! I am making so many salads with my arugula and wouldn't dates be a perfect sweet pairing with that peppery green? An excuse to buy dates...
    Can't wait to see what you do with your mushrooms.

    1. Yes, dates go well with a salad. A nice contrast. I dressed my salad very simply, oil and white wine vinegar. The crunchy celery was just lovely. I have a pot of salad for the next couple of days, with the other items already mixed in. The rest of the celery, etc., is frozen for future use.

  2. I don't see anything misfit about that produce. it all looks fine to me.

    1. I think mainly it's a question of nonstandard size more than anything. A couple of the pears are ginormous and wouldn't go well with their friends in the pear section. The apples are small, not the premium size, but all the fruit is lovely to eat anyway. Doesn't seem like much of a problem to me.

      I'm spending about $20 a week total on my misfits, including the extra items. This is less than I spent at the local farm, so I'm pretty content. With the approx $15 per week my son brings me, I'm still eating pretty economically at the same time as luxuriously.

  3. It all looks so lovely. From the beautiful produce to the cookie! Mmmmm...

  4. Good thing I just had breakfast or I would be hungry again. I've never eaten a pomegranate. Maybe they intimidated me before you could look everything up online and find out how to prepare and eat things. And then I forgot about them.

    1. We had them occasionally as kids, picked out the seeds on a pin and ate them. Occasionally stabbing your tongue. I think I'll eat them differently now! And use the rind for dyeing yarn. These look as if they'll give a good reddish color.

  5. I checked and Misfits Market delivers here also - maybe I'll check it out. Your package always looks good. Do you get to choose what you want or do they just give you what they have.

    1. If you use this code when you order, you'll get 25% off your first order. At some point they give me a reduction, too. Code:

      You select your frequency of delivery -- mine is every two weeks -- and the day -- I chose Friday. I get to go on their website the previous Sunday and make selections from various categories, 6 of this 2 of that etc, with pictures so you recognize what you're picking. That's when you can also choose add ons. Then I get an acknowledgement of the order and costs. Wednesday they charge my account, Thursday they alert me they've shipped, or say why not and when to expect, Friday all being well, the box arrives on my step, and I get to work.

      The size I get is the Mischief size, $22 per box. My add ons vary.

      Up to now it's been working well for me. Most of the packaging including thermal blanket and ice pack, is recyclable, a nice touch.

      Anyway as always ymmv, but up to now I've been pleased I started with them.

    2. The code: what looks in this font like a numeral one is a capital letter I. I typed it correctly but it seems to show differently

  6. Wish they had Misfits boxes here - I'd be more than happy to take part. We haven't had dates in years and now I am craving them. And pomegranates - so good but so much work!

  7. What a great collection of produce. Enjoy!


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